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My Psychonauts Website

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09-05-2005, 4:19 PM
Beta tester, space pirate, battery tester, one of Tim's game-monkies, theres a ll sorts of careers!
 Purple Squid
09-05-2005, 4:55 PM
Battery tester, eh? Spice pirate, EH? Game-monkey, EHHH?

...I'm gonna end up being a firefighter again. I just know it.
09-07-2005, 7:48 PM
I'm a battery tester....

Boss:Yo! Smon! Ye're up!
Smon:Hang on a sec guys...
*slaps on a helmet and plugs a battery into it*
Smon:OWWWW!... Yeah... this one works....
 Purple Squid
09-07-2005, 8:11 PM
I'm a battery tester....

Boss:Yo! Smon! Ye're up!
Smon:Hang on a sec guys...
*slaps on a helmet and plugs a battery into it*
Smon:OWWWW!... Yeah... this one works....

I figured it would be easier than that. Apparently I was wrong. So, do you get a discount?
09-07-2005, 9:39 PM
Yeap, free AAs and smaller, and 25% off all other batteries.
 Zetz Darke
09-08-2005, 4:12 PM
Yeap, free AAs and smaller, and 25% off all other batteries.


That doesn't sound worth it at all...

although...I do need some AA's. Hmmmmmmmmmmmmmmm O.o
 Purple Squid
09-08-2005, 4:35 PM
Could you hook me up with some of those big, fat batteries? Those are good for throwing.
 Purple Squid
09-08-2005, 4:43 PM
Zets Dake, you should know you're KILLING me. I keep going back to your site for easy fic access and low, low prices, and it pains me to see the updates for Sep 4. Boohoo. I see you've found something better to do, and you don't love us anymore.

I keed, I keed.
 Zetz Darke
09-08-2005, 6:48 PM
Zets Dake, you should know you're KILLING me. I keep going back to your site for easy fic access and low, low prices, and it pains me to see the updates for Sep 4. Boohoo. I see you've found something better to do, and you don't love us anymore.

I keed, I keed.

Aww, of course I love all of you. I can't update with much that u haven't already seen tho...just yet ne ways. I have another pic that I drew >.< But I need weekend time to color it...and I HAVE to update on a diff fic this i may not get back to mine till a little later...
 Purple Squid
09-08-2005, 8:38 PM
Heh, I don't mind. I just really like being able to casually go to a Psychonauts site and all.
Its cool stuff.
 Zetz Darke
09-08-2005, 8:49 PM
Heh, I don't mind. I just really like being able to casually go to a Psychonauts site and all.
Its cool stuff.

Hehe...I actually started coloring the pic directly after I read your post...but I started on the backround and things...didn't go well. Apparently when I try to design a lovely turns into a sunset now looks like a sky from a horror pic thats about to spew tornadoes and my water and sand are dark and covered with shadows. It's scurry >.< And no longer matches the I guess it'll be a little while.
 Purple Squid
09-09-2005, 7:17 AM
Would it be too cruel to ley slip a resounding 'LOL'? Because that happens to me all the time and I think its more fun to look at afterwards. =3

...I think that's the first time I've ever said lol. Even in jest. I'm in pain.
 Zetz Darke
09-09-2005, 6:07 PM
Would it be too cruel to ley slip a resounding 'LOL'? Because that happens to me all the time and I think its more fun to look at afterwards. =3

...I think that's the first time I've ever said lol. Even in jest. I'm in pain.

Not in the least...I like it better would make the pic look odd now....very very odd...
 Purple Squid
09-09-2005, 10:54 PM
Heh, guess it depends on what picture it is, huh?

"The sky makes it look like the swans are on fire... I don't want that, I think."
 Zetz Darke
09-09-2005, 11:56 PM
Heh, guess it depends on what picture it is, huh?

"The sky makes it look like the swans are on fire... I don't want that, I think."

haha...I think I'm going to see how it works.
 Purple Squid
09-10-2005, 3:06 AM
I'd like to see it anyways. You know, so I can look at it and wait until you turn around until I start to make fun of you... ah, goodtimes.

Maybe it'll work and people will like it. If not, it'll be a good kick in the pants!
 Zetz Darke
09-10-2005, 10:35 AM
I'd like to see it anyways. You know, so I can look at it and wait until you turn around until I start to make fun of you... ah, goodtimes.

Maybe it'll work and people will like it. If not, it'll be a good kick in the pants!

Hehe, Doesn't matter, I worked late last night making a diff HA! you can't make fun of me...unless...the new one is bad...then...u know...
 Purple Squid
09-10-2005, 11:03 AM
Dang! Now how am I supposed to compensate for my low, low self esteem?

Super models! A goldmine of humour! (done in bad taste, of course)
09-10-2005, 6:59 PM
For a goldmine of humor just put an animal in clothes. Like a goat wearing a tuxedo. Oh isn't that goat so clever?
09-10-2005, 11:10 PM
*Comes in with a llama* How about we do the Monty Python llama skit?
09-10-2005, 11:30 PM
Nah, let's go get the three smartest animals on earth and make them BATTLE! *puts a mouse, dolphin, and a person in a big octagonal ring*

09-10-2005, 11:56 PM
Nah, let's go get the three smartest animals on earth and make them BATTLE! *puts a mouse, dolphin, and a person in a big octagonal ring*

What about Marvin? *points at the robot*
Marvin: Leave me be...
09-11-2005, 12:08 AM
Nuts to him I'm a man of luxury! *flies off to his pyramid shaped planet inhabitted by butlers and mountain dew trees*
 Zetz Darke
09-11-2005, 1:25 AM
Hurray, I finally got my new pic up ^^ It took me forever, man!
09-11-2005, 1:53 AM
It's awesome!
 Zetz Darke
09-11-2005, 1:58 AM
It's awesome!

Thank you ^^
09-11-2005, 2:22 AM
Pretty good! Except Raz's hair isn't purple, then again your art seems to be all about using colors in constrast with light to convey moods so some small changes like that really help pull it together... nice work!
 Purple Squid
09-11-2005, 5:20 PM
For a goldmine of humor just put an animal in clothes. Like a goat wearing a tuxedo. Oh isn't that goat so clever?

I feel enlightened! O, joy!
 Purple Squid
09-11-2005, 5:22 PM
Hurray, I finally got my new pic up ^^ It took me forever, man!

No flaming swans or anything! Its so... pretty!

(Once I figure out my scanner, I'll probably send some pics in. For now, I oogle at your stuff.)
 Zetz Darke
09-11-2005, 7:16 PM
No flaming swans or anything! Its so... pretty!

(Once I figure out my scanner, I'll probably send some pics in. For now, I oogle at your stuff.)

Wee for oogling.

Oooh, definately send me some stuff when u do. my fanfiction section is building up with all of the peoples wonderful fics...but my art section only has my stuff in it :(

Hopefully by then I'll find a better way to set up the fanart page.
09-11-2005, 7:47 PM
ARGH! I gotta buncha PsychoNauts art on PAPER! If only I had a scanner... :(
09-11-2005, 9:33 PM
do they have a scanner in the library?
 Zetz Darke
09-11-2005, 9:50 PM
do they have a scanner in the library?

They should...You should go check there Smon...or buy a cheap dispoable digital camera and just take a photo of your art...Use paint (Or a better software if you have it.) to touch it up a bit.
09-11-2005, 9:57 PM
Hm... I'll check out my library in the coming days!
 Purple Squid
09-11-2005, 10:06 PM
My scanner is mildly retarded, so...

Its gonna be kind of hard.
 Zetz Darke
09-11-2005, 10:28 PM
My scanner is mildly retarded, so...

Its gonna be kind of hard.

Poor retarded scanner.

Mine isn't all that's sort of broken, but I have photoshop to balance things out with.
09-11-2005, 10:31 PM
My scanner is purring like a kitten.
09-11-2005, 11:54 PM
Well I've got one at home (found it in my closet) but I'm not sure how to install it... do I need a disc or something?
 Purple Squid
09-12-2005, 7:13 AM
Poor retarded scanner.

Mine isn't all that's sort of broken, but I have photoshop to balance things out with.
He's been skipping his pills.
 Purple Squid
09-12-2005, 7:14 AM
My scanner is purring like a kitten.

...that's good, right? It would make me sad to shove paper into a kitten.
 Zetz Darke
09-12-2005, 4:59 PM
Well I've got one at home (found it in my closet) but I'm not sure how to install it... do I need a disc or something?

O.O I'm a failure when it comes to electronics...You can always consult Jeeves ^^;
 Purple Squid
09-12-2005, 6:19 PM
I can't get Jeeves to work.

Oh well. I bet he eats kittens anyway...
 Zetz Darke
09-12-2005, 7:13 PM
I can't get Jeeves to work.

Oh well. I bet he eats kittens anyway...

humph...evil kitty eating butler.
09-12-2005, 7:31 PM
I always knew that butler was evil...
 Purple Squid
09-12-2005, 8:13 PM
He's always smiling. That means he's on Prozac.

He probably drinks ALCHOHOL while taking his anti-MURDER pills and roasting KITTENS on a spit.
 Zetz Darke
09-12-2005, 8:50 PM
He's always smiling. That means he's on Prozac.

He probably drinks ALCHOHOL while taking his anti-MURDER pills and roasting KITTENS on a spit.

:( I'm on prozac
09-12-2005, 8:56 PM
Well my library doesn't have a scanner (but they have the Ultimate Hitchhiker's Guide to the Galaxy! WOO!) so I'll have to figure out how to get mine to work... Ciao! (Hunts for the elusive closet scanner)
09-12-2005, 9:20 PM
:( I'm on prozac

They wanted to put my cat on prozak (no joke). We ended up giving her back to the shelter. I hope ol' Jeeves back there didn't get her...
09-12-2005, 9:41 PM
CRUD! Now I can't find the stupid thing...
 Zetz Darke
09-12-2005, 9:43 PM
They wanted to put my cat on prozak (no joke). We ended up giving her back to the shelter. I hope ol' Jeeves back there didn't get her...

O.O Your cat?
Wow....interesting. ^^;
Was it like...super anxious?
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