Hello :)
I know it is possible but How? I want to have a func_usable within my elevator (the func_usable move with the elevator) but I dont know how to do that. I saw this in the little elevator(cabin) in sithcouncilv2
Thanks in advance
My guess is there must be scripting. Just write one to move both the elevator and usable, and toggle the usable visible/invisible. Do some forum searches for scripting and elevators to find more detailed help.
or if you dont care about having the switch change colors or whatever when you use it, then you could just make the elevator how you can, add the switch, and make the switch part of the elevator and not a func_usable at all. And then just use triggers like you normally would to target the elevator.
thanks, it works with scripting :)
but another question : it is possible to reset a target_counter by pressing a button? because I'm trying to make a password protected door, with a target counter and I want that if you press the wrong button, the counter is reseted..
Originally posted by madjawa
it is possible to reset a target_counter by pressing a button?
Not as far as I know. Use scripting and a float variable instead.