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Segan Wyndh Armor v2.0 up at

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02-21-2005, 2:33 PM
Author: Darkkender

Mod Name: [TSL]Segan Wyndh Armor v2.0 (

This is an expansion upon Chainz.2da's
Segan Wyndth armor for KOTOR 2:TSL. This includes
the original Segan Wyndth Armor adapted for TSL
with the new armor upgrade system. It also includes
the 7 new variants presented in my Tomb of Jesset
Dal'Kest mod for KOTOR 1. You will be able to build
the 8 versions of jedi armor at the workbench as well
as a underlay and overlay. However the Jedi armors
themselves do not have all the features of Segan Wyndth's armor to keep it unique.
================================================== =

Extract all files into your KOTOR 2 overide directory. If you don't have a overide directory all you need to do is make one.

This mod also makes use of KMM and includes a KMM file.

If you are asked to overwrite a 2da file the following mods are considered compatible and there 2da files can be overwrote.

compatible mods:
Redhawke's Exile items
Redhawke's Workbench robes
Envida's complete mods package
Darkkender's Lightsaber Workbench & Guardian sabers

Any other mods that use the following 2da files should be considered incompatible unless stated in there readme files.

================================================== ==
Bugs: There are none known of.

This mod was put together and released by Darkkender the original Segan Wyndth Armor was developed by ChainZ.2da. All credit goes to him for the original idea. Adaptation & conversion as well as addition of 7 new armor textures credit goes to Darkkender. Screenshots of the new jedi armor textures can be downloaded here.

Segan_screenies.rar]Screenshot archive ([TSL)
02-21-2005, 2:38 PM
Heh.. I was #2 download, have merged the .2da's AND loaded into KMM by the time I saw this post... wheeeeeee

Looks great bro! Can't wait to try on the new-ish 'duds' ;)
02-21-2005, 2:39 PM
I'll give them a go and it looks like I'll need to adapt the .2da files for my mod again, but it will vastly increase the compatibility, so cheers, job well, done. ;)
02-21-2005, 2:43 PM
You don't need to do anything, just tell people to keep the mod in a sub folder.
02-21-2005, 2:43 PM
which 2da's did you guys have to merge because I was making every attempt to make it compatible with all other mods currently in release so that there would be little to none of these problems.:p
02-21-2005, 2:55 PM
Originally posted by Darkkender
which 2da's did you guys have to merge because I was making every attempt to make it compatible with all other mods currently in release so that there would be little to none of these problems.:p
None of mine had to be adjusted for...ahem... 'already released mods' *hint* *hint* hehe... I just had to make sure my entries...oops... were compatible ;)
02-21-2005, 3:05 PM
Originally posted by ChAiNz.2da
None of mine had to be adjusted for...ahem... 'already released mods' *hint* *hint* hehe... I just had to make sure my entries...oops... were compatible ;)

:D would this be a baseitems.2da set of entries. or upgrade.2da or both.:p
02-21-2005, 3:18 PM
@ Darkkender

I just had to make upgrade.2da, upcrystals.2da, itemcreate.2da and itemcreatemira.2da compatible for a mod that hasn't been released yet ;)
02-21-2005, 3:26 PM
I had a feeling of that for you Mav. I know I have my DL finger ready for that one of yours.
02-21-2005, 3:45 PM
Well, your finger may be itching for a week or so because this thing RedHawke and I are working on is going to be PACKED hehehe :nutz3:
 The Lone Badger
02-22-2005, 10:08 PM
(Moved here from the Mod Request thread, which wasn't the place)

Originally posted by Darkkender
As to adjusting the stats on the Armor I only slightly tweaked it from Chainz.2da's original armor. I personally am a fan of armor's that have defenses like that of an armor and not of a robe.:p

Mm, just it's as protective as a suit of solid durasteel (defence +10) whilst still being as flexible as cloth (max dex +8). It's better as armor than any of the in-game armors, while also allowing force powers. I find KOTOR2 to be easy enough already even on 'difficult', so I try to stay away from superitems. But this is diverging from my main point, which is that those armors look really cool.
02-22-2005, 10:18 PM
@ The Lone Badger

Try playing on difficult with the Hardcore mod installed and, see if that will help with the game being too easy ;)
02-22-2005, 10:41 PM
Originally posted by maverick187
@ The Lone Badger

Try playing on difficult with the Hardcore mod installed and, see if that will help with the game being too easy ;)

I'll drink to that one. Of course I like these armors more because of there appearance than anything. My personal favorite is the purple. I really love the look of a Character with the Purple Jedi Armor & A Double bladed Guardian saber.:D
02-22-2005, 10:44 PM

Thats true Darkkender, "You look good... you feel good" :D
02-22-2005, 10:51 PM
I know I look good, which makes me feel good.:cool:

Seriously though I'm even more motivated to develop a recruit mod again to recruit Darkkender for TSL and outfit him accordingly.
02-22-2005, 11:44 PM
You just couldn't find a slower server for the screenshots could you, it's gonna take an hour to download 4MB :rolleyes:
 The Lone Badger
02-23-2005, 12:17 AM
Originally posted by Keneth
You just couldn't find a slower server for the screenshots could you, it's gonna take an hour to download 4MB :rolleyes:

It's faster to download the mod and take a look in game.
02-23-2005, 5:06 AM
Originally posted by The Lone Badger Mm, just it's as protective as a suit of solid durasteel (defence +10) whilst still being as flexible as cloth (max dex +8). It's better as armor than any of the in-game armors, while also allowing force powers. I find KOTOR2 to be easy enough already even on 'difficult', so I try to stay away from superitems. But this is diverging from my main point, which is that those armors look really cool.
Hey The Lone Badger,
Yeah, I realized just how powerful the armor was once playing it through the game (KotOR), but it's true intent and purpose, and my dirty little secret...
it was designed to fight RedHawke's Uber-Trandoshans! :fist: hehe...
Specifically to be played on difficult along with Talchia's Hardcore Mod. The drawback was everyhing else in the game was pretty much 'fodder' in your path.... (damn lizards)... hehe
Feel free to adjust the stats for your personal use. Though be warned, beancounter's new Hardcore Mod may want to make you think twice. I've been handed "mine" several times with un-adjusted stats... Fred's new version of KT should make it a snap to change though...

And like everyone else, it was designed so the PC could look... smooooth :cool:
I'm glad everyone liked the idea, and so glad that Darkkender not only ported the mod over to TSL, but made some damn fine skin alterations (purple rocks!)...
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