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Travelling to other planets IS possible, try it.

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04-17-2004, 2:37 PM
This is proof-of-concept for our "other planets" discussion.

Simple tweak to two scripts unlocks the potenial of other planets that Bioware was intending with "Live Content" whatever that is.

The planets appear as white squares on your Galaxy map. You can travel to them. Of course once you arrive at these unmade planets, if you step off the Ebon Hawk you'll be nowhere and the game will crash. But that's for us to fix.

Extract k_pebn_galaxy.nss and k_inc_ebonhawk.nss using KotOR Tool
Open up k_pebn_galaxy.nss and find the last line of code that says ShowGalaxyMap(nPlanet);
Just before this line, add the following lines of code:
SetPlanetAvailable(11, TRUE);
SetPlanetAvailable(12, TRUE);
SetPlanetAvailable(13, TRUE);
SetPlanetAvailable(14, TRUE);
SetPlanetAvailable(15, TRUE);
SetPlanetAvailable(16, TRUE);
SetPlanetSelectable(11, TRUE);
SetPlanetSelectable(12, TRUE);
SetPlanetSelectable(13, TRUE);
SetPlanetSelectable(14, TRUE);
SetPlanetSelectable(15, TRUE);
SetPlanetSelectable(16, TRUE);
Save your changes k_pebn_galaxy.nss
Open up k_inc_ebonhawk.nss (we have to fix the original programmer's mistake before we can compile our code.)
Look for this line of code around line 19:void EBO_PlayTakeOff(int nCurrentPlanet); and replace it with string EBO_PlayTakeOff(int nCurrentPlanet);
Look for this line of code around line 21:void EBO_PlayLanding(int nDestination); and replace it with string EBO_PlayLanding(int nDestination);
Save your changes to k_inc_ebonhawk.nss
Put a copy of nwnnsscomp.exe into the same folder as these two .nss files and use it to compile k_pebn_galaxy.nss to k_pebn_galaxy.ncs.
Move k_pebn_galaxy.ncs to your Override folder.
Start KotOR and go check your galaxy map

Edit: Screenshots:
New star map: Hoth (
New star map: Sleheyron (
04-17-2004, 6:34 PM
Have you tryed to make a user mod load when you get to the live planet. I have been looking at those scripts quite a bit and so it looks like it would not be to difficult to add new planets , but it is still like trying to read french to me. I can get the gist of and a few things here and there are clear. I just don't understand enough to do anything with it. :(

It looks your on the right track though. keep up the good work tk102.
04-17-2004, 6:58 PM
hey guys, i think we found our major modding project!
04-17-2004, 9:37 PM
T7Nowhere asked:
Have you tryed to make a user mod load when you get to the live planet.

I've traced out the scripts that send you from planet to planet.

After selecting a planet from Galaxy Map:

k_sup_galaxmap.ncs[sic] (.nss available) fires, which loads module ebo_m12aa and shows the takeoff and landing sequence.
Upon leaving the module, k_pebn_leavhawk.ncs fires. This pulls up the Party Selection GUI and queues k_pebn_exithawk.ncs. The latter is what actually loads the appropriate module. Looking at the decompiled code, it appears the expected modules' names should be liv_m99xx where xx is a two letter index.

And surprise surprise, Yavin Station is already taken the name for Live Planet #1: liv_m99aa.

So in order to get a new planet to load from the starmap, the custom module should be named "liv_m99ab" through "liv_m99af".

Note: it appears that some of the scripts only expected 5 custom planets, not 6, so variables are only allocated up through Live Planet 5 (liv_m99ae).
04-17-2004, 11:28 PM

I was able to travel to Mgnails mod by simply renaming his gf2.mod to liv_m99ab.mod in the modules folder.
04-17-2004, 11:59 PM
Well thats pretty cool and will make adding a new planet a little easyer. Now we just need a new planet. ;)
04-18-2004, 12:30 AM
is it possible to add new cutscene animations for the inbetween planet travel?
04-18-2004, 2:01 AM
Originally posted by tk102
"Live Content" whatever that is.

think X-Box , think X-Box Live , think Live content :D

basiclaly these were by the sounds of them planets etc they were going to add via xboxlive and proberly mods like nwn for the game , but through unknow to us reasons were dropped , maybe Lucasarts said no , maybe they couldnt come up with good enough planets etc etc
04-18-2004, 2:06 AM
Originally posted by shosey
is it possible to add new cutscene animations for the inbetween planet travel?

shouldnt be to hard , just change the scripts that tk was talking baout .. though unless someone is willing to make new bink files we would have to reuse the ones in game already
04-19-2004, 6:59 PM
Here's some more information regarding the graphical representation of new planets. The planetary.2da file has two fields of importance: icon and model. The first is a reference to a .tga file. The second is a reference to an .mdl/.mdx set.

To create a new planet icon on the Galaxy Map
Extract an existing planet icon (eg. "lbl_ikash.tpc") using KotOR Tool under ERFs->TexturePacks->swpc_tex_gui.erf (L section).
Convert the .tpc to .tga using tpc2tga utility.
Modify the .tga file as you please. Save it as 32-bit uncompressed .tga with a name as designated in the planetary.2dafor the "Live Planets" (eg. "lbl_live04.tga").
Put the file in your override folder.

To create a new planet model on the Galaxy Map (the slow rotating planet that zooms in):
Extract the .mdl/.mdx files from the models.bif for "lplanet_01.mdl" and "lplanet_01.mdx". You'll need to make sure you have the "Enable Model BIF node in tree" option selected in KotOR Tool.
Rename the .mdl/.mdx set with a name as designated in the planetary.2da for "Live Planets" (eg. "lplanet_04.mdl", "lplanet_04.mdx")
Extract any existing planet's texture from ERFs->TexturePacks->swpc_tex_gui.erf (G section). They're named something like "GUI_KORRIBAN_1.tpc".
Convert the .tpc to .tga using tpc2tga utility.
Modify the .tga as you please. Save it as 32-bit uncompressed .tga with a name formatted as "GUI_xxxxx_1" (eg. "GUI_SLEHE_1"). This will make sure the name has the same number of characters as the original.
Save the .tga in the override folder.
Hex Edit the .mdl file from step 2. Replace the one instance of the original texture name to the new texture name (eg. Find "GUI_YAVIN_1" and replace with "GUI_SLEHE_1"). Replace the 4 instances of the original model name to the modified name (eg. Find "lplanet_01" and replace with "lplanet_04"). Save the modification.
04-19-2004, 10:58 PM
Hey tk, any chance you know how the function "IsLiveContentAvailable" (not the exact name, I can't check it as I am not in my home computer) works? I know the function is in the k_pebn_galaxy.ncs. I tried what you did a few weeks ago and was able to get the live planet to show up on the galaxy map, but in order to do that, I have to force it in the script using the SetPlanetAvailable without checking whether the live content is available using the IsLiveContentAvailable function (the original ncs file checks it before it sets the planet to be available). Everytime I use that function, it always return a false even though I have copied the liv99ab module file. I was trying to find perhaps there is a 2da file that dictates what live planets are available but can't seem to find one and I have abandoned to look for it ever since.
04-19-2004, 11:45 PM
Haven't played with that function, but I see the point in trying to use it. I couldn't find anything in the 2das either.

Did you copy liv_m99aa*.rim files to liv_m99ab*.rim? and it still returned false? Maybe the area files themselves need to be renamed and repackaged into .rim files. ??
04-20-2004, 1:11 AM
Yes, I did rename a module to liv_m99ab, but I think I put it as a mod file, not rim. It still returned me a FALSE.

Yup, the point of knowing how this function works, as you probably have seen in the k_pebn_galaxy.ncs, is so that we don't have to edit that file, since everything is already there.
04-20-2004, 1:14 AM
I did a quick test. I moved out the original yavin module files liv_m99aa.rim and liv_m99aa_s.rim file out of the module directory, and guess what... the galaxy map still shows it as available, although after selecting it, I couldn't get out of the Ebon Hawk to the Yavin station. So my guess now is that there is some other way besides the available files that tells the game whether a live planet is available or not.
 Fred Tetra
04-20-2004, 3:24 AM
Tk102, you mentioned extracting a GUI element and using tpc2tga to convert it, so it could be edited.

If you just double-click on the GUI (planet icon) of your choice in Kotor Tool, it'll come up in KT's image viewer, from which you can save it as a TGA-format file. Just click the 'Write' button.
04-20-2004, 3:31 AM
You know I never saw the Write button because the viewer window dipped below the bottom of my screen. Actually, what I do is set up Photoshop as the receptacle and use the handy Ctrl-Doubleclick to extract, convert, open up Photoshop. That's pretty slick, btw Fred.

Thanks for pointing that out to me -- someone else mentioned it in another thread too. Maybe the Viewer child window could default to Maximized state?
04-20-2004, 5:48 AM
jackel is right about "live content" being for xbox live. infact i think just recently Yavin Station was released for download on xbox live as "live content" i remember seing some kind of news post somewhere confirming that. perhaps the other "Live" planet is slated for relaease at a later date, however i can't imagine it would be anything more than Yavin Station, otherwise you'd have to alter the story. personally i'd rather see modders make a new planets. however, even with this breakthrough we would probably still have to use existing maps right? i haven't tried these out yet, but i would assume since its downloadable content that was never released and the game crashes when you leave the ship that new undiscovered maps probably dont exist anywhere but the recycle bin on a computer at bioware
04-20-2004, 6:30 AM
yeah Yavin station was released to the x-boxers a month or so ago

they still miss out on several items though , calrisseans belt , circlet of sarash and one or two others

while we pc users on the other hand had the live content from the get go and some good items aswell
04-22-2004, 3:49 AM
gameunlimited said: So my guess now is that there is some other way besides the available files that tells the game whether a live planet is available or not.

It makes you wonder if it's not in some obvious place like the registry or swkotor.ini. But it's not. I checked. :)

i like commas said:
however, even with this breakthrough we would probably still have to use existing maps right?

This is an area in which I have no experience. Mr. Tetra, in your experience with Module Editing, how difficult do you believe it would be to make a new map?
04-22-2004, 6:07 AM
I think this problem of creating new maps boils back down to cracking the mdl/mdx file. I see a lot of area mdl files in the models.bif. C'mon TK or Fred, I know you can crack it I'll cheer for you from behind.:)
04-22-2004, 6:36 AM
Well, isn't a map simply a .tga file named "lbl_map" + modulename and stored in swpc_tex_gui.erf? Then there are some icons that appear on the map according to the location of the player and other points of interest. The rooms are denoted in the .lyt and .are files and I suppose that's where the dreaded .mdl files come in: they define the walls of the rooms. Hmm.
04-22-2004, 6:44 AM
Has anyone ever asked Bioware if they have documentation for the .mdl/.mdx file formats?
04-22-2004, 7:12 AM
Originally posted by tk102
Has anyone ever asked Bioware if they have documentation for the .mdl/.mdx file formats?

... but.. but but thats logical! ..

gah , i guess we just figured that seeing they didnt want to talk about modding they wouldnt actually want to talk about anything to do with modding including file formats etc
 Doc Valentine
07-13-2004, 3:31 PM
Its not working for me, can someone email me the two ncs files??

T7edit:Please do not post you email in the public Forum.
07-13-2004, 3:55 PM
Kudos for reviving this thread. Now that we have a little more info on how to edit models, I wonder if the modding community is one step closer to being able to make new planets.
07-28-2004, 5:34 PM
Hmm .. just got onto this thread somehow and .. wow .. very interesting .. so now I'm wanting to work on a full area mod. To hell with just playing with crystals.

I get the feeling I'm going to be asking a lot of questions about things though so be ready to be pelted.

And my first one will be:
Say I want to create an encounter that is going to happen as soon as you leave the docking hangar and I want to make it so that you are friendly with whichever side you chose in the dialog (sith or republic) .. can you set factions?
07-29-2004, 7:09 AM
Originally posted by seawolfe
Hmm .. just got onto this thread somehow and .. wow .. very interesting .. so now I'm wanting to work on a full area mod. To hell with just playing with crystals.

I get the feeling I'm going to be asking a lot of questions about things though so be ready to be pelted.

And my first one will be:
Say I want to create an encounter that is going to happen as soon as you leave the docking hangar and I want to make it so that you are friendly with whichever side you chose in the dialog (sith or republic) .. can you set factions?

Try this: Doom_Dealer's tutorial (

It's very good.:)
 Darth Dex
07-29-2004, 9:58 AM
hmmm.....T102 You said isn't a mp just a tga that's false, try mapping for Ja you'll see that mapping has nothing to do with texturing.
07-29-2004, 11:38 AM
Originally posted by Darth Dex
hmmm.....T102 You said isn't a mp just a tga that's false, try mapping for Ja you'll see that mapping has nothing to do with texturing.
Tk102 meant the small maps in top-left corner of the screen, that show where you are. Those are textures.
12-01-2004, 6:19 PM
Sorry for bumping up such an old topic but...
:) I have Questions :)
1.How do I insert custom strings where it shows the planet name and descriprion?
2.Also where did those Slehyron strings come from? I looked in the dialog.tlk file but it's not there. :confused:
12-01-2004, 6:40 PM
Ah one of my favorite threads.

The names and descriptions are referenced as dialog.tlk entries in planetary.2da. For example: Kashyyyk's name and description are 32213 and 38685.

"Sleheyron City" is in the dialog.tlk at 37614. You can use KTLK ( to find this.

"Hoth" is not the dialog.tlk file. I cheated that in with a custom tool of my own device which I never released.
12-02-2004, 6:15 AM
Originally posted by tk102
I cheated that in with a custom tool of my own device which I never released. :confused: :confused: :confused: Sorry but you draw my curiosity :D

Edit: ah ok now I know :p
12-02-2004, 12:05 PM
What was it? Tell me plz.
12-02-2004, 1:04 PM
Tell you what, I'll release it soon. Let me get it up to my own standards though. Basically it's a GUI version of KTLK that supports editing.

Edit: For closure, see this ( thread.
12-02-2004, 5:16 PM
Originally posted by StormTrooper789
Sorry for bumping up such an old topic but...
:) I have Questions :)
1.How do I insert custom strings where it shows the planet name and descriprion?
2.Also where did those Slehyron strings come from? I looked in the dialog.tlk file but it's not there. :confused:

I would advise against releasing a mod with a modified dialog.tlk file, it is far too much a pain in the backside for the modder when people start installing it and not following the .tlk backup instructions, then complaining to you that your [Insert Explitive Here] mod made them have to reinstall KOTOR, etc., that is why I released ORD Mandell with no edited dialog.tlk or galaxy map text, it can be way too much aggrivation, just to display a couple lines of text, and with a planet mod that is all it really is... Not like a Force Powers Mod or something of that nature, that needs to implement a lot of text.

Of course when TK102 releases his new dialog.tlk editing toy you could post instructions in your readme and in the mod thread how to make the text come up in the galaxy map using that. I know I am going to for the people with ORD Mandell. ;)

Just my 2 cents! :D
12-02-2004, 7:03 PM
Not volunteering myself but, are any mod projects in the works (besides that galaxy forge that died on day 2) to add new planets and quests to KOTOR?
12-03-2004, 12:48 PM
Originally posted by RedHawke

I would advise against releasing a mod with a modified dialog.tlk file, it is far too much a pain in the backside for the modder when people start installing it and not following the .tlk backup instructions, then complaining to you that your [Insert Explitive Here] mod made them have to reinstall KOTOR, etc., that is why I released ORD Mandell with no edited dialog.tlk or galaxy map text, it can be way too much aggrivation, just to display a couple lines of text, and with a planet mod that is all it really is... Not like a Force Powers Mod or something of that nature, that needs to implement a lot of text.

Of course when TK102 releases his new dialog.tlk editing toy you could post instructions in your readme and in the mod thread how to make the text come up in the galaxy map using that. I know I am going to for the people with ORD Mandell. ;)

Just my 2 cents! :D
Really, I just wanted to edit the TLK file for personal use. It would be cool to see my work look authentic. *wipes fake tear* :D
12-03-2004, 5:34 PM
Originally posted by StormTrooper789
Really, I just wanted to edit the TLK file for personal use.
Oh! :eek: My bad! :D

Then please ignore the strange entity rambling on behind the curtain... :D

Though hopefully my post will save someone some pain in the future. ;)
12-04-2004, 1:01 AM
Originally posted by pie_man101
Not volunteering myself but, are any mod projects in the works (besides that galaxy forge that died on day 2) to add new planets and quests to KOTOR?

PrtyLizardJedi and I are working on one, although I can't tell you anything else about it at this point.....(PLJ is the leader, I can't say anything without his permission.)

07-05-2006, 2:38 PM
has anyone finished any planets? Like that Sleheryon or anything?
07-05-2006, 3:59 PM
To my knowledge, the only person to have yet made a planet for one of the games is RedHawke in his famous Ord Mandell mod ( Play it, great fun :).
07-05-2006, 5:05 PM
Lit Ridl made a Zombie Planet mod for K1 (although it's listed for K2 at Lucasfiles). It was in Chainz.2da's weekly mod report on a couple weeks ago.
07-05-2006, 11:04 PM
Ooh... and I dunno if it's considered a planet because it was just an addition to Korriban, but Darkkender made a new area mod entitled 'Tomb of Jesset Dal'Kest' IIRC.

Check that out too.

07-06-2006, 12:45 AM
Actually Redhawke is the only one to use this tutorial to it's full extent for the most part. Lit Ridl's zombie planet is done via a startnewmodule function not by using the galaxy map on the ebonhawk.

Thanks for the plug EW but I can't even take credit for any mod that has been completed that goes all the way like Redhawke did.

However I'm not certain how the Polish Yavin 4 mod works out. There might be a chance it uses the galaxy map.
07-06-2006, 1:53 AM
However I'm not certain how the Polish Yavin 4 mod works out. There might be a chance it uses the galaxy map.
If I recall correctly it uses some place on the Yavin Station to get to the Yavin IV planet.
07-06-2006, 1:58 AM
If I recall correctly it uses some place on the Yavin Station to get to the Yavin IV planet.

Correct. IIRC, It uses the side doors that you can never enter at the end of Suvam's shop.

05-26-2007, 6:07 AM
Sorry again for bringing an old thread up, but where do I put k_inc_ebonhawk.nss?
And is this for K1? Cause the galaxy map won't open.
 Master Zionosis
05-26-2007, 10:27 AM
if it is an .nss file (k_inc_ebonhawk.nss) then it goes nowhere, if it is an .ncs then it goes in the override, and yes this works for K1 as RedHawke used this method for his Ord Mandell mod, which is for K1.
05-26-2007, 11:04 AM
Sorry again for bringing an old thread up, but where do I put k_inc_ebonhawk.nss?
And is this for K1? Cause the galaxy map won't open.

Files with a k_inc_ suffix are in most cases include files, and as such are only used by other scripts (via the #include directive) when those are compiled. They cannot be compiled on their own since they are not a complete script, only a repository of common functions, and global constants and variables to be used by other scripts.

To compile a script using an include file you should put the include file in a location where the compiler looks for it. Depending on what version of nwnnsscomp you use this could be the override folder, the same folder as nwnnsscomp is in, or in the same folder the script (NSS) you are going to compile is located.

Keep in mind that if you make changes to an include file you must recompile all scripts that use this include file for the changes to take effect.
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