:wavey: i want to make a force field that turns off when you turn a switch
how do i make a force field and how do i turn it off and on:D
the force shield is a shader and you can turn it on/off yust like you do hwit doors ;)
well ok but one thats solid like in sith-j-culls ctf map
Make a brush out of nodraw_solid and cover the visible sides with your forcefield shader. Then make the brush into a func_usable, and trigger it with a trigger_multiple, func_button, or anything else you like.
will target deactivate work?
I don't think so. A target_activate or _deactivate doesn't USE the thing it's targeted at. A func_usable (what you should make the forcefield from) appears and disappears whenever it is used by an entity, like a trigger_multiple.
ok since i made it a func wall and i linkings a trigger once to it but it didn't turn off
I also have a question about forcefields. Can somebody give me a list of forcefield shaders? I really don't want to be using GTKRadiant all day just to find a shader.
The time you've waited for a response you could have found one.
I think there's one under Korriban and there should be one under Kejim.
And Byss, and Imperial...just check likely-looking texture sets, it's pretty obvious whice are the force field shaders.
Originally posted by demo
will target deactivate work?
You could use target_deactivate to disable the triggerable (on/off) behavior of the forcefill. Like if you normally control the forcefield with a button, you could deactivate the button with target_deactivate so that the button cannot be used anymore (and likewise reactivate it with target_activate).
Target_deactivate must, of course, be used with some other trigger or button or some other entity capable of using other entities.