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The Cantena(a MSGBRD RPG)

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04-11-2001, 5:03 AM
A TIE bomber? *cracks up laughing*

At last we will reveal ourselves to the Jedi.
At last we will have revenge.
04-11-2001, 12:23 PM
Hey, i think it looks cool! And it's the best unit in force commander.
04-11-2001, 1:15 PM
It LOOKS cool. But so does a Z-95.

At last we will reveal ourselves to the Jedi.
At last we will have revenge.
04-11-2001, 3:59 PM
04-11-2001, 7:44 PM
Oh c'mon! i just bought it! it's so cool!!! Bombing space stations after refueling there is sure funny! the people are like "Whoa, nice piece of garbage you got there!" and so i say, "Well, at least it's not some space station where there's a sewer!" and then i target their sewer system, and all the waste leaks out into outer space and then they send these zero-g pooper-troopers out to clean it up! it's so funny!
04-11-2001, 8:05 PM
try it on my space station and you will be annilated in seconds, then I'll kill you to
04-12-2001, 2:45 AM
Bet you're real popular at fueling stations...

At last we will reve
04-19-2001, 8:27 PM
X-Wings can enter hyperspace with S-foils open...all I had to do was fire at the force empty spot.
 rebel alliance
04-19-2001, 8:50 PM
i know it's spelt RPG not speel
04-19-2001, 9:29 PM
What happened to page 10?

May the Force screw you in everything you do except sex or should you get screwed? Stop you're confusing me.
04-19-2001, 9:57 PM
AAAHHHH!!!!!!! *hits the thrust on his swoop and comes crashing into the cantina, then grabs his imperial repeater rifle and hops off the swoop* Whoa! good thing that was only glass i ran into, my swoop would've been destroyed! *everybody looks over Kioet's direction* Alright, you wanna look at me, that's going to cost ya 5 credits a piece, c'mon hand it over! Wait a second, this isn't the right cantina! Where's Cracken? strange-looking guy: you did know that you're in a museum and you DID break one of my most valuable collections, right?

Well, uh sir, it was just an honest ahem mistake, you SHOULD have put that valuable somewhere away from the window, any thief could just come in here and stolen it.

stranger: Well they didn't did they? You broke it, so you're going to replace it. That was my Krayt Dragon's Tooth, a great jedi knight gave it to my grandfather for a blaster, and he in turn gave it to my dad, and my dad gave it to me.

Who was this Jedi Knight's name?

strange: Qui-Gon Jinn

Oh, well i don't know him, and I'm definetly not stupid enough to hunt a krayt dragon. So, would you like anything else instead?

stranger: Yes, i'll take your Imperial Landing Craft.


stranger: Fine, then you DIE!!!!!

*grabs imperial repeater rifle and smashes it over the stranger's head, then hops into swoop and takes off to the REAL cantina*
04-20-2001, 12:55 AM
Well, what da you know I'm alive. I guess my X-Wing didn't blow up. *Looks around finding himself in the cockpit of an X-Wing but nothing else. My mistake I guess my X-Wing did blow up. Luckly I accidently had my cockpit reinforce three times when I typed the wrong number on the custom specifications. Well I better use the cockpit engines to get back and hop into a new X-Wing. *Jumps into hyperspace and is joined by 4 more X-Wings escorting him.*
 rebel alliance
04-20-2001, 1:17 AM
I am surpised your swoop suvived the glass collision
04-20-2001, 3:39 AM
Whatever happened to page ten????

At last we will reveal ourselves to the Jedi.
At last we will have revenge.
04-20-2001, 3:45 AM
thats a good question
04-20-2001, 7:00 PM
When I ask, I don't get an answer but when redwall asks he gets an immediate answer. This is racism.
 rebel alliance
04-20-2001, 7:59 PM
 rebel alliance
04-20-2001, 8:00 PM
04-20-2001, 8:13 PM
Quit double posting, it's a cheap way to increase your post count

May the Force screw you in everything you do except sex or should you get screwed? Stop you're confusing me.
04-20-2001, 8:14 PM
Quit double posting, it's a cheap way to increase your post count

May the Force screw you in everything you do except sex or should you get screwed? Stop you're confusing me.
 rebel alliance
04-20-2001, 9:52 PM
I didn't it said all feilds weren't fille dou so I hit back and put in my name and password i didn't do it perpously
04-20-2001, 10:48 PM
I'll perpously youu!!!!!! *Runs at RA and chokes him Simpsons style.* Why I orta...!

May the Force screw you in everything you do except sex or should you get screwed? Stop you're confusing me.
04-20-2001, 11:16 PM

At last we will reveal ourselves to the Jedi.
At last we will have revenge.
04-20-2001, 11:47 PM
Originally posted by Grand_Admiral_Ice:
When I ask, I don't get an answer but when redwall asks he gets an immediate answer. This is racism.

Who are you calling Redwall, and what do you mean racism, what are you some kind of human?
And who pays attention to you anyway?

At last we will reveal ourselves to the Jedi.
At last we will have revenge.
04-21-2001, 12:28 AM
we are actually part of a secret organization setup to improve the internet economy by frequenting pages that survive off advertising. sometimes we are ordered to coordinate or visits to give the appearence of peak times in which advertising is more valuable...its a shame that having told you all of this we must kill you now.
 rebel alliance
04-21-2001, 3:13 PM
04-21-2001, 7:11 PM
Oooo, page ten is back, I wonder how long it'll last this time?

At last we will reveal ourselves to the Jedi.
At last we will have revenge.
04-22-2001, 2:41 AM
no one even saw my joke, or if you thought it sucked just pretend not to have noticed okay
04-22-2001, 4:50 AM
No, didn't see it

At last we will reveal ourselves to the Jedi.
At last we will have revenge.
 rebel alliance
04-22-2001, 5:12 PM
joke, what joke?
04-23-2001, 2:39 AM
thanx you guys don't know how your appretiation of my comedy attempts encorages me...
04-23-2001, 4:09 AM

Ummm what happened to the story???

At last we will reveal ourselves to the Jedi.
At last we will have revenge.
04-23-2001, 7:35 AM
Didn't Termand just steal Nine's assassin droid and Kieran's X-wing and ummmmm...take over Coruscant?

At last we will reveal ourselves to the Jedi.
At last we will have revenge.
 rebel alliance
04-23-2001, 10:12 AM
ummm i was in it.
 rebel alliance
04-24-2001, 1:06 AM
it is also locked to my menatal and Dna signature
 rebel alliance
04-24-2001, 1:07 AM
It would be a shame to lose a fine ship as Vigilance III
 rebel alliance
04-24-2001, 1:10 AM
oops dpouble posted
 rebel alliance
04-24-2001, 1:11 AM
hey, sweet 500 posts
04-24-2001, 4:15 AM
Well if you don't start RPing your character again I guess you can't stop me

At last we will reveal ourselves to the Jedi.
At last we will have revenge.
 rebel alliance
04-24-2001, 3:40 PM
04-24-2001, 4:15 PM
drops resonance torp on Termand, Recover from this you shmuck., if you do I have an Assasination I would like you to attempt...
04-25-2001, 5:20 AM
*teleports, ends up in Cantina Scenario at, stupid teleporters*)

At last we will reveal ourselves to the Jedi.
At last we will have revenge.
04-25-2001, 11:38 PM
you gotta stop using that thing...anyway I have decided to attempt a truce with you Termand, if your willing tell me over the encrypted aim system so no outsiders will be awhere of the turnout...
04-26-2001, 7:04 AM
Okay, I'll attempt to connect tomorrow. But no guarantees...( OOS: LOL, )

At last we will reveal ourselves to the Jedi.
At last we will have revenge.
04-28-2001, 5:35 AM
*encrypted transmission sent to Corran Horn at 11:40 PM Terran Pacific Standard Time*

-Termand Rwos

At last we will reveal ourselves to the Jedi.
At last we will have revenge.
04-29-2001, 8:28 PM
Roger, Meet me in the Outlier Systems. Over and Out.
04-29-2001, 9:01 PM
*Flies into the hanger, hops out and throws his helmet at a nearby technician.* "IMBECILES!!!!!!!!!!" *Walks out and heads for his quarters.

May the Force screw you in everything you do except sex or should you get screwed? Stop you're confusing me.
04-29-2001, 10:50 PM
Roger that, but I'd like to make a small side trip to request help of a certain human who owes me several favors.

At last we will reveal ourselves to the Jedi.
At last we will have revenge.
05-04-2001, 11:32 PM
*Starts playing soccer with a dustball.* "Hello!!!!!!!!" *An echo is heard yelling the same thing.* Where is everyone?

Save me Geebus! Oh, if you're out there save me Geebus!
05-06-2001, 6:56 PM
Thermal Detonater Goes off because of motion sensor
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