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The Cantena(a MSGBRD RPG)

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03-21-2001, 8:52 PM
100th Post here
03-21-2001, 10:21 PM
I'm going to my AT-AT to locate the holopic, it's very interesting...
03-21-2001, 11:40 PM
I think I'll go out in my snow speeder for a sec., you all set back there Janson we're going AT-AT hunting.
03-22-2001, 12:16 AM
oh, did i not mention that the at-at is anti-magnetic? your harpoons will have no affect on it. Fine. I'll give you 200 credits if you stop attacking my AT-ATs.
03-22-2001, 12:31 AM
My harpoons aren't magnetic, but I won't kill yoour atat if you keep the secret of the Smugglers location
03-22-2001, 12:59 AM
**punches Nine in the chin** That's for listening in.

At last we will reveal ourselves to the Jedi.
At last we will have revenge.
03-22-2001, 1:39 AM
*Punches Termand Back*
Bar Brawl Ensues

[This message has been edited by Rogue9 (edited March 21, 2001).]
03-22-2001, 1:43 AM
I have figured out how to cloak my edit tags now no one is safe
03-22-2001, 2:10 AM
**knocks Nine's lights out, calmly sits back down** That's no way to fight. I would have preferred a saber duel.

**incidently: Termand's species is three times as fast and strong as humans---brawls are not a good idea**

At last we will reveal ourselves to the Jedi.
At last we will have revenge.
03-22-2001, 2:24 AM
*Slips on his hobo gloves and calmly walks over to the Rodian's body. Searches his pockets and takes out his landspeeder keys and all his credits.* "What he "left" it for me in his will" *Takes another bite from the Rodian's leg.* "By the way, isn't Coruscant outside of your jurisdiction, CorSec boy?" *Walks out and hops into the landspeeder.*

Yvan eht nioj!
Yvan eht nioj!
Yvan eht nioj!
Yvan eht nioj!

[This message has been edited by Grand_Admiral_Ice (edited March 21, 2001).]
03-22-2001, 2:29 AM
You only thought you knocked me out, my force powers make me at least your equal, and the Saber duels were getting a little redundant
03-22-2001, 2:49 AM
I am a swordsman by training. I prefer that weapon. But if you want a fight, I will be happy to oblige. (Or I could use my vibroblade **evil grin**...)

At last we will reveal ourselves to the Jedi.
At last we will have revenge.
03-22-2001, 3:23 AM
a Lightsaber would slice through a Vibr-Blade like it wasn't even there, so by all means
03-22-2001, 5:06 AM
Actually this vibroblade is completely different from the ones you might have seen. It carries a very strong charge and is made of nearly unbreakable alloys.

At last we will reveal ourselves to the Jedi.
At last we will have revenge.
03-22-2001, 5:15 AM
It's not really literally a vibroblade anyway---but that was the closest comparison I could come up with.

At last we will reveal ourselves to the Jedi.
At last we will have revenge.
03-22-2001, 5:46 AM
OUT OF STORY---again

Perhaps I should explain Termand's character: loves sword fights, is mediocre with a blaster but one of the galaxies' most skilled swordsman, HATES large, bulky weapons, gets bored fast with verbal sparring, is an excellent pseudo-martial artist but finds it boring. A fair starfighter pilot, an excellent speeder pilot (the controls are custom designed because it's hard for him to use standard ones)
Hope that explains...uh, something.

At last we will reveal ourselves to the Jedi.
At last we will have revenge.
03-22-2001, 1:36 PM
Anybody wanna raid a TIE Factory?
03-22-2001, 3:32 PM
the picture goes to the highest bidder!
03-22-2001, 10:24 PM
I am the Sith Lord Darth Maul. With the help of my apprentice Rogue 9 1/2,I am now very much alive.
Since being killed by Obi-Wan all those years ago,I have wached the rise an fall of many Sith Lords,including my old Master and Darth Vader and have learned from their mistakes.Now nobody can stop me from restarting the Sith order. Rogue 9 1/2's
first training mission is to track down and
kill the worthless scum Termand Rwos. Beware
Termand...........for you are about to be terminated!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

fear...fear is my ally
03-23-2001, 12:37 AM
no killing Jared, 'tis in this RPG's rules.
03-23-2001, 3:40 AM
You mean I can't make an exception for him?

At last we will reveal ourselves to the Jedi.
At last we will have revenge.
03-23-2001, 3:59 AM
03-23-2001, 12:46 PM
shall we make an example of him?
03-23-2001, 8:01 PM
*Loud crashing sound coming from outside. Goyin pops his head through the door and walks in with his back on fire.* "Can I get me a bottle of Corellian whiskey? Is it a little hot in here, I feel like i'm on fire."

Yvan eht nioj!
Yvan eht nioj!
Yvan eht nioj!
Yvan eht nioj!
03-23-2001, 8:07 PM
*Uses Fire Extingusher to put out fire*
I might not agree with you, but that no reason to flame you
03-23-2001, 8:38 PM
"Whoa man you dirtied my clothes with that foam, and are you trying to hit me with that? I got a blaster handle and I'm not afraid to use it!"

Yvan eht nioj!
Yvan eht nioj!
Yvan eht nioj!
Yvan eht nioj!
03-23-2001, 8:51 PM
no foam, it was a CO2 one all you'll get s a minor case of frostbite
03-23-2001, 9:19 PM
"When I was in the Imperial Navy, I was stationed at some of the coldest planets in the galaxy, you think that's going to give me frostbite?" *Looks around.* "Maybe I shouldn't have mentioned I was in the Imperial Navy"

Yvan eht nioj!
Yvan eht nioj!
Yvan eht nioj!
Yvan eht nioj!
03-24-2001, 2:30 AM
ROGUE 9 1/2'S fighter streaks silently toward the planet Coruscant, planning on killing Termand. But as he nears the planet he decides it would be more fun to fight him, utterly defeat him and then steal his speeder bike.

fear...fear is my ally
03-24-2001, 2:33 AM
remember long sigs are irritating
03-24-2001, 3:13 AM
MY AT-AT carries an AT-ST, and imperial speeder bikes, i've also got an AT-AT barge to move them from planet to planet, and i have my a-wing docked on top of the barge.
03-24-2001, 5:30 AM
If you want a war, 9 1/2, you'll get one! (Stupid clone...)

At last we will reveal ourselves to the Jedi.
At last we will have revenge.
03-24-2001, 6:15 AM
*Wonders which Side to pick*
03-24-2001, 1:22 PM
A fight? I don't wanna get involved. I better get off the planet and wait for things to cool down "Scratch that whiskey, Cracken" *Runs out of the bar. An hour later he arrives at the spaceport and hops into his YT-2000 named "Blizzard" and lifts off. Minutes later he is gone.*

My sig isn't long, it's four lines. Six is long.

Yvan eht nioj!
Yvan eht nioj!
Yvan eht nioj!
Yvan eht nioj!

[This message has been edited by Grand_Admiral_Ice (edited March 24, 2001).]
03-24-2001, 2:06 PM
(*thinks to self*) Well, this place has become a bit too "interesting" for my tastes.
(*flips a couple a creds on the bar and heads for the door*)
[/i]I'm outta here[/i]
<font size=-2 font color="#6e6e6e">

[This message has been edited by Lujayne (edited March 24, 2001).]
03-24-2001, 2:20 PM
While I'm still in comm range I might as well send that CorSec boy a warning. *Sends a signal to the bar.* "Hey CorSec boy, I suggest you get out of there, Siths are known for hating Jedi."

Yvan eht nioj!
Yvan eht nioj!
Yvan eht nioj!
Yvan eht nioj!
03-24-2001, 7:31 PM
WAIT! It's Ice! He's the one! I can't believe I didn't see it before! I MUST stop him!

At last we will reveal ourselves to the Jedi.
At last we will have revenge.
03-25-2001, 1:47 AM
I can play along Redwing, but I need to know what "the one" is first.

Yvan eht nioj!
Yvan eht nioj!
Yvan eht nioj!
Yvan eht nioj!

[This message has been edited by Grand_Admiral_Ice (edited March 24, 2001).]
03-25-2001, 2:02 AM
Originally posted by Redwing:
**listening to message recorded**
*begin transmission*
"Termand Rwos, we have received intelligence that our contact was captured, tortured, and killed. But stay where you are. Intelligence sources have discovered that the Galactic Swirl has been designated a meeting place for two Cerpent agents. Watch for them, and if you discover them, capture them if you can. If you cannot, kill them."
*end transmission*

Oh no. Stay here?

(earlier post) (You can change the "Cerpent agent" thing if you want, it sounds a little )

At last we will reveal ourselves to the Jedi.
At last we will have revenge.

[This message has been edited by Redwing (edited March 24, 2001).]
03-25-2001, 2:18 AM
I better get back to the fleet and take this dam rusted plating off, I can't believe I had agree to ruin the beautiful hull of my "Blizzard" *Opens comlink* "This is Goyin, I'm two parsecs away, so be ready to drop the shields and have the "IASS (<u>I</u>ce <u>A</u>llegiance <u>S</u>tar <u>S</u>hip) Goyin" drop it's cloak so I can find the dam hangar. I expect a nice ceremony... after all I am Prince of the Ice Allegiance." *Shuts off comlink* He'll never catch me, I'm traveling at over 25 times the speed of light, now to set a fake trail.
Thoughts will be placed in italics and speech in quotations marks, ship names will also be in quotations.

Yvan eht nioj!
Yvan eht nioj!
Yvan eht nioj!
Yvan eht nioj!

[This message has been edited by Grand_Admiral_Ice (edited March 24, 2001).]

[This message has been edited by Grand_Admiral_Ice (edited March 25, 2001).]
03-25-2001, 6:53 AM
maybe he can't catch you, but I most certainly can.
why did you leave us -L
03-25-2001, 4:49 PM
<font size=-2>*OOS* Senni thought it was getting a bit too "interesting" in there, and besides, Karrde called her away on business!
<font color="#6e6e6e">

[This message has been edited by Lujayne (edited March 25, 2001).]
03-25-2001, 8:29 PM
[i] Hmm, if he does catch me, my fleet would be compromised. [i] *Opens comlink.* "This is Goyin, move the fleet to Point 3. I have someone tailing me and the your position could be compromised. I'll try to lose him then meet up with the fleet." *Voice from the comlink.* "Shall I send a fighter squadron to help you out, sir?" "No, he's not too good for me. I'll lose him."

Ship names will be in italics and quotation marks from now on.

Yvan eht nioj!
Yvan eht nioj!
Yvan eht nioj!
Yvan eht nioj!
03-25-2001, 8:30 PM
Termand suddenly stops in his rush to the door because,standing in his way was a sinister figure. Rogue9 1/2 ignites his double bladed blue lightsaber. Termand trembles in fear. "The time has come Termand. We fight to the death" Termand throws down his Laser sword ."Please spare me" He begs. "Not a chance!!!!!"

fear...fear is my ally
03-25-2001, 8:46 PM
What happened to Cracken? Did he abandoned his own role-playing thread?

Yvan eht nioj!
Yvan eht nioj!
Yvan eht nioj!
Yvan eht nioj!
03-25-2001, 9:47 PM
*Laughs at 9.5*
Termand is in thye Custody of CorSec, Pending a trial I will allow nothing to befall him, this is your only warning...
03-26-2001, 4:06 AM
When I posted in this Topic it ceased to be lt. Cracken thread and became darth cantina
03-26-2001, 5:51 AM
**ignites laser sword** Begging? In your dreams, pal. Someone else can take care of Ice. This nut case is just begging for someone to just come along and put him out of his misery.

At last we will reveal ourselves to the Jedi.
At last we will have revenge.
03-28-2001, 2:42 AM
03-28-2001, 4:17 AM
You were talking about R9.5 I Assume, I no you wouldn't talk to me like that.
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