Is there any way to get this demo to run in JA or am I going to have to wait for the second demo of the DF mod to play in JA?
There is no way to run the first demo in JA. If you can wait until we release the second demo, it's only a matter of weeks now.
Please check the website soon for updates.
Oh, well thanks anyways. I'd play in JO, but my CD has bit the dust. When I try to install, I get a CRC error while it's copying assets1.pk3. :(
it's only a matter of weeks now.
Weeks?.......gasp........weeks?..........cough.... ...what happened to "a week or so" a couple of weeks ago?
(Vader)The emporer is most displeased with your lack of progress.(Imperial Commander)We shall redouble our efforts!!! (Vader)I hope so commander , for your sake. The emperor is not as forgiving as I.
You know how it goes, you fix one thing, 2 more crop up . . . we're almost through it all now the, since we got the Dianoga to attack you ;-)
Can we have a screenie of this attacking Dianoga please :D?
Although I'd like to see the dianoga too, I have a feeling we'll have to wait for the demo for that. :( Oh well, I guess that just makes it that much more frightening the first time you see one in the demo. Oooh, I can't wait. How much longer now?
Yes, I know already, :wid:.
Originally posted by Locutus_of_Borg
Can we have a screenie of this attacking Dianoga please :D?
No need for a screenshot. It's right behind you!