hello i am pleased to present this new version which introduce a total new generation In the JA+ serie.
indeed, now you can play with a client plugin on JA+ server.
WHat is very nice is that, player who have not this plugin can play with other players who have it on the same JA+ server if the server is sv_pure 0...
the client plugin will enhance your animation, UI, graphic rendring....features......
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What is new since the 1.9?
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-Client Side Plugin for client playing on JA+ server:
this plugins is included in the Main server side ZIP mod but can also be available as a separate file for all players.
this plugins enable players to take benefit from the UI, animation, and feature enhancement provided by the main server side JA+ Mod.
You are not obligated to install the plugins with the JA+ server side part to run a JA+ server.
For example, the grappling hook is much better if you have installed the pk3 plugin in your client game JAplus folder.
You will find all informations on this plugin in a dedicated readme provided with it.
How it works?
** in server config sv_pure 1 : you will be able to use this pk3 plugin only if the server has this file installed.
if it is the case every player will have to install the pk3 client side in their client gamedata/japlus folder in order to play on this server.
And so the server is not server side any more.
** in server config sv_pure 0 : the server remains server side. every players will be able to join your server (if they have the plugin or Nor have it)
and you are not obligated to install the pk3 plugin on the server.
the players who have the pk3 plugin will take advantage of the UI, animations, feature enhancement.
the other players won't see the difference.
the server will recognize the players who have the plugins and will make them take advantage of it to have better animation, Ui and features.
PS: in sv_pure 0, all pk3 at client side can be used by the client: SO if the client has to many pk3, he may have problem with missing textures or joining the server.
-grapple hook jp_allowHook (0, 1, or 2): allow/disallow the use of the grapple hook, you will have to bind it /bind X "+button12"
0: not allowed
1 : allowed for all players
2 : only for merc in jedi vs merc mod
Grapple Hook: you have to bind it /bind X "+button12" where X is a Key.
in the server side hook version: the hook disengages himself if you stop pressing your binded hook key.
NOw if you use the client side JA+ plugin, you can keep suspended if you stop pressing your binded hook key and
you will have to press your USE button to disengage the hook.
if you press again the binded hook key, you will be pulled again
if you press the walking button, you will make a hook repel move.
Flamethrower improved.:
To reduce server lag, the transfered data between server and clients has been optimized . As a result, the flame effect is now only seen using the JA+ client plugin
Other players not using the client plugin will see the lightening effects instead.
an effect is also available in the client side plugin when a player is burning.
-Duel Isolation (Non interference): (jp_DuelAlpha -1 or between 0 and 255 default -1): Integration and improvement of the non interference code part of the Gen-X JK2 Mod
**server side behaviour : if you are not using the client side plugin, when in duel, you can go through other players except your ennemi
**Client side plugin behaviour : if you are using the client side plugin, you have better features:
-when you are in duel, you can't see other players and you are not influenced by other players weapons, force power use, explosions.....
-if you aren't in duel, you see cloaked duelers. the degree of visibility of duelers is controled by jp_DuelAlpha.
** if you are inside a player at the end of a duel, you will be able to go outside of him.
** Improvement in transfered data between clients and server.
- you now can view if someone ask to duel with you even if you don't have your saber. But you will have to switch to your saber to accept the duel.
- jp_pushAll (0, 1 default 0) : allow/disallow to push or pull all items like armor, bacta, medipack, ammo ....
- the FAQ.txt is updated to have better explanations.
- the version of the user client plugins is logged into the games.log file when the player join the game.
fix: changing your name will not enable to escape from a vote sleep or silence.
fix: ghosted people are now well ghosted at respawn.
fix: all emots that was remaining executable during attacks are now corrected
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CLient plugin 1.0
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- Grapple Hook: you have to bind it /bind X "+button12" where X is a Key.
Real grapple hook in the client side plugin.
in the JA+ server side hook version (if you don't use this plugin): the hook disengages itself if you stop pressing your binded hook key.
Now if you use the client side JA+ plugin, you can keep suspended if you stop pressing your binded hook key and
you will have to press your USE button to disengage the hook.
With the client side plugin enabled you can also see a real hook wire.
if you press again the binded hook key, you will be pulled again
if you press the walking button, you will make a hook repel move.
-FlameThrower : an effect is also available in the client side plugin when a player is burning and also for the flamejet effect itself.
- improved animations which was causing a laggy look without this plugin: for example : grapple move, meditate, the wall stick free mouse look, the yellow dfa mouse look , roll (with jp_fixroll 2 or 3)...etc...
- player names are now drawn with colors in your crosshair for ffa gametype.
- Improve the model scale system: with this client side plugin, saber are drawn with a lenght scaled on model scale factor defined by the server.
the player shadow is also scaled according to the model scale factor.
- all JA+ commands are added to the cmds list so that you can use the TAB key to complete a cmd name.
- several key added in the control menu under the "Ja+ controls" section.
-when your private duel ends, you start an orbital move around your player just at the death moment.
--Duel Isolation (Non interference): thanks to the plugin this feature is improved compared with the default server side behaviour:
**when you are in duel, you can't see other players and you are not influenced by other players weapons, force power use, explosions......
**if you aren't in duel, you see cloaked duelers. the degree of visibility of duelers is controled by jp_DuelAlpha.
**going through other players is also better here because client side predicted.
- autologgin for admin and clanpass with 2 client cvar cp_login and cp_clanPwd
- new RGB colors for player clothes in player menu creation (it can be used instead of the /amcolor cmd).