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script question?

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07-02-2004, 3:20 PM
Just to make things clear:
i think you lot should think about creating a Tutorial for this type of thing, then you wont get as many questions!

This is not flaming. I just want you to realize that contrary to many other topics on this forum, like per example GFF editing, scripting is different. We can't just tell open the utc file, type this and that and next time it will be the same thing.

Scripting is programming and it's like learning a new language. Just as an example: I think you will all agree that we cannot teach you a new language such as Spanish via simple posts. If someone wants to learn, he will have to go to a school or buy a good method and practice, practice practice...

It's the same for scripting: this topic is too vast to make a simple tutorial. I already pointed Reload2K to some documentation concerning this in this thread:

T7nowhere has useful links in his sticky concerning scripting (nwn forums)
 Darth Khasei
07-02-2004, 3:20 PM
Hold on folks. I think this is an excellent opportunity for us to come together on these things. I feel that it is important to read the information provided in the sticky's first, if you seriously want to mod.

Based on those readings and your initial experimentation, specific questions should be generated. Failure to make the minimum effort to read, re-read and experiment yourself, will invoke this kind of understandable response.

I suggest reading the specfic tutorials, download other mods and see how they work, try things out for yourself based on your new education and then come for specifics. Based on the questions, it is very easy to tell if someone has read the sticky's.

I love to help people and so do Darth333 and TK102. They are top notch.

BTW, YES scripting "IS" programming as I said in the other thread and I cannot be taught via posts. I learned "this" scripting by reading and trial and error. If you are not comfortable with "programming" then scripting is "NOT" going to be your thing.
07-02-2004, 3:36 PM
I need a new rock. :toilet1:

Ok, I think I'm going to clarify my point a bit. I'm trying not to take sides or anything, cause either way the machine-gun fire is going to rain down on me. :rifle1: I'm not saying that you two do not help enough, nor am I saying that you're obligated to help at all. I'm simply saying that if the questions are pointless, try to find a little nicer way to say it. I know you could of thought of a better way to say what you did tk, cause I know you're smart. I've looked at lots of scripting stuff, and it's all Greek to me; you're right, it's a VERY difficult area of modding. So there are bound to be lots of pointless questions along this line. Deal with it whatever way you see fit, help or don't. Just try to decline in a nice way from now on. Choosing not to help someone directly may even be the better choice, because when no one else will help them, the person will eventually firgure out their problem on their own, which is good. But declining in that way, the one that comes on as kinda mean, is often VERY discouraging to the person who needs help, and often they just stop there and give up. That's no fun.

And to those of you with questions, you should always try to find the answer on your own FIRST, not as an alternative when no one helps you. You have to remember as Darth333 said, many people on these forums work or go to school long hours of the day, have very little time at home, and even then do not spend it all at lucasforums. You have to respect others and the time they have to themselves and tone down the harassment 6 or 7 notches, preferably to a point where asking questions is no longer considered annoying harassment. (Maybe 8 notches :))

Ok, please point those rifles in the other direction. Thank you.
07-02-2004, 4:19 PM
Glad we all understand each other now.
07-02-2004, 4:54 PM
This thread has gone a little off topic guys. Something I’m a little perplexed by is how easily some people are offended. tk102 was simply pointing ReLoaD2K to other sources of documentation, which it seems he needed. If someone had replied to a post I made like that I would follow the advice and if I found the post at all hostile I would simply ignore the offending part.

I am tempted to delete the entire 2nd page, but despite it being off topic all posts will remain. Remember in the future not to take things so personally. There is no need to take sides. This is a forum for discussing mods and modding KotOR. Let’s keep the bickering to PMs and out of the public forum.

If you feel you’re being harassed then report it to a moderator like myself and appropriate measures will be taken.

Now if there are any new questions about this topic of this type of script then please ask away.
 Lorden Darkblade
07-02-2004, 11:39 PM
Originally posted by tk102
Glad we all understand each other now.

To begin I'll say that this is my last post here.
Answering tk102, no I dont understand you, and YES I think you are not staff to that hostile to me and to say those things.
If you wanna keep doing that go join staff or something cuz the next person you do that can be a PC Lucantic and end you internet you know what I mean?
I'm not, I'm normal and I have learned my lesson, questions seem to have a limit here. 2 per day with 30min between them.
Well like I said, modding kotor is now over to me, I can only hope that kotor 2 come soo good that I dont need to MOD or download any MODs.
I'm done.

Thanks in advance, (funny someone said I never said thanks, I'm polite different from som other people that are in this forum)
07-03-2004, 12:46 AM
I'm speechless....
 Lorden Darkblade
07-03-2004, 12:55 AM
IT IS A MIRACLE!!! :eek: :eek: :eek: :eek:
07-03-2004, 12:59 AM
It's also sarcasm.
 Lorden Darkblade
07-03-2004, 1:07 AM
Well I dont want this to get worse so we'll stop here.
Right mr Smart?
 Darth Khasei
07-03-2004, 1:13 AM
TK that link is halarious.
 Lorden Darkblade
07-03-2004, 2:08 AM
Ok, ok.
I know when I was wrong. I lost it there.
I'm here to apologize and say I'm sorry.
Just one thing, please tk102 try to be more polite when saying to people that they drive everybody mad will ya?
Am I still welcome here?
Thats it.
But I think I quit modding but I'll stay here. I guess I'm too dumb for modding, or perhaps what I was doing wasnt done before and was hard to everyone?
Ok, I'm done.
Quoting myself:
Am I still welcome here?
 Darth Khasei
07-03-2004, 2:55 AM
Yes you are bud. :D
07-03-2004, 9:30 AM
I will try to be more polite.

I ask in return that when posting in a thread, you demonstrate that you've read the advice given earlier in that thread.

perhaps what I was doing wasnt done before and was hard to everyone?

Ok -- for the 4th time, take a look at the Darkside Choker mod. :D
07-03-2004, 10:06 AM
I love your new sig Tk :D

Reload, I also pointed you at the Dustil mod via PM for the conditional scripts. So another time I'll repeat: open the files (not only the .nss but the dialog and the .utc files as well - scripts have to be attached somewhere) and look at how it was done.
07-03-2004, 10:21 AM
Heh that's much better you two. I was afraid that next I'd be hearing bullet discharge:

:fire3: :fire2:
:fire3: :fire2:
:fire3: :fire2:

Nice job, and ReLoaD, why quit modding? If it's true and scripting is a bit difficult for you, why not try something a little easier?
 Lorden Darkblade
07-03-2004, 1:52 PM
@ Mono_Giganto
Cuz this will kinda be my first mod so its like an honor thing :p
I must complete this mod no matter how long it takes cuz it's my first one :D

@ tk102
I will look the Dark Side choker mod, not only the script but the dialogs aswell.

I will download and see it.

Thanks tk102, Darth333, Mono_Giganto, Darth Khasei, T7nowhere and MattColejk.

I'll try to finish this MOD and if I have SPECIFIC questions :D I'll ask them here ok?

PS.: Glad to be welcome :) :o :o :p
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