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thanks for nothing

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02-05-2004, 6:20 PM
First off i am using a legal copy of the game but i did put on the no cd exe's just cause i'm lazy ( but mostly me dad moans when i leave all my disks around ).
Sorry i missed the official responce but not everone who gets this error is a crook and i don't like being branded as one so thanks to kurgan & master william but the rest can shove this forum if all you want to do is accuse people, all i wanted was some one to say (like kurgan ) remove the no cd cracks and it works with the originals (bloody obvious i know but i'm just a kid what do i know )
so to the rest of you thanks for NOTHING
 Master William
02-05-2004, 6:55 PM
Well, I tried to help you. I don't think that everyone with that error have something illegal, may it be that the CD is burned, using a cd-crack, or that it's the beta version. As I said, I know people with the legal game and all, yet they still get the error. Some people think a bit ignorant -- "cl_parsepackentities = KaZaA h4x0r illegal crack hack". That is the truth in almost most cases, though. It doesn't always have to be...
02-05-2004, 6:57 PM
Wow, thanks for that awesome information, d00d!

No, really. A lot of people are stupid, and will blame you for stuff you didn't do. Just ignore them. ;)
02-05-2004, 7:27 PM
Originally posted by Lackhand
but i did put on the no cd exe's

Did you ever think that could you know, possibly be the problem? Why not delete those files, uninstall the whole thing then re-install. I bet it'll work. The reason people were so suspicious is that anyone with a 'clean' copy of the game shouldn't get the problem.

Oh, and insulting people on a forum you've just arrived at is real smart.
02-05-2004, 8:13 PM
he may not be the the brightest spark ( no offence lack ) but isn't accusing him just as or if not a worse insult. lets face we've all had problems that were stupidly simple and easily over looked thats why we have forums in the first place because lets face we get little or no support from the manufacturers.
02-05-2004, 8:39 PM
We had warnings up for months, but people still ignored them, and we have had lots of topics like this.

Granted, new people will always miss them of forget to read them, but you know how it is, if you were a long time visitor and people around you kept asking the same (in your mind) stupid questions you might lose patience with them too right?

I was a little po'ed when the whole beta thing came on as we had dozens of people ruining the whole game and bragging about how they beat it in one day, etc and were having fun when the game wasn't even out yet, so I didn't mind banning the morons, but now it's just a matter of people needing to read the stickies and using some common sense.

It's true that not everyone using a CD crack is pirating the game, but there's no way to know if you're honest or not, and frankly if you have a crack and the original game you should be able to reinstall from the original CD (but if you downloaded warez you may not be able to since the files itself are usually hacked beyond all recognition to begin with).

So you didn't realize that the CD crack was a problem, lesson learned. Anything you use with the game that isn't official you take your chances with. 'Nuff said.
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