Hi every body
ok just to say that the new 1.8A verison of JA+ Mod include a FFA modification called Highlander wich transform the FFA in a real Hilander movie like.....
I was of course inspired by the Eliminator idea of the clan u told me......
(see the end of the readme for all the special thanks)
here is the description of the highlander FFA modification
- Highlander FFA Gametyme Modification :Every player begins the Map with jp_highlanderStartingLives lives. (the max force rank is jp_highlanderMaxForceRank)
Each player is immortal. So, you will really kill him if his Number of lives is 0.( you will see a Quickening)
Then each kills, increases the number of lives and the force level of the player with the force level of your victime (like in the movie).
WHen you die and your amount of lives is 0, you become a ghost.
At the end, only 2 players are alive and the final duel begins.
then the map restart for a new highlander game.