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Darca Lar

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Posted in: Whose hotter? SJP or RZ?
 Darca Lar
12-26-2009, 9:56 PM
I'm having an argument with my drummer and he's being a child and will not let it go so I told him I would put up a poll to settle it. Whose hotter: Sarah Jessica Parker or Renee Zellweger?  [Read More]
Posted in: Bounty Hunters and Smugglers Ahoy!
 Darca Lar
12-20-2009, 9:26 PM
haha! I just wanted to address the other possible classes not usually seen because I suspect there will no doubt be countless saber-wielding characters when this game finally launches....  [Read More]
Posted in: Bounty Hunters and Smugglers Ahoy!
 Darca Lar
12-09-2009, 4:12 PM
There are a lot of Jedi freaks out there dying to play the game and jump straight into a Jedi class. I would usually find myself in the same position, but I have a strong craving to be either a Bounty Hunter or Smuggler because it sounds different an...  [Read More]
Posted in: Jedi players... Knight or Consular?
 Darca Lar
12-09-2009, 4:05 PM
I may be a Jedi, and if I do I'll be a Knight. I'm not the consular type....  [Read More]
Posted in: What do you want to find out next?
 Darca Lar
12-09-2009, 4:30 PM
I'm curious as to where the story will leave off....  [Read More]
Posted in: What are you looking forward to most in TOR?
 Darca Lar
12-09-2009, 4:24 PM
I like the addition of a fully voiced game, but I love stories even more....  [Read More]
Posted in: Which class are you most excited about?
 Darca Lar
12-09-2009, 4:28 PM
I say smuggler since its the underdog class in my eyes. Plus I also think its a class most relatable to reality....  [Read More]
Posted in: SWTOR NOT Coming to 360
 Darca Lar
04-02-2009, 11:57 PM
wasn't here for it, but I'm glad that someone got pranked. I was however restricted from doing either or due to circumstances....  [Read More]
Posted in: Jumping
 Darca Lar
04-07-2009, 2:57 PM
It really depends on the control scheme, but I'd say know mostly because it wouldn't be extremely necessary. Though I'm assuming so based on the point-click scheme being used in the KotOR series and WoW....  [Read More]
Posted in: Darth Title?
 Darca Lar
01-15-2009, 2:38 AM
Since there is going to be a large Empire of the Sith, and possibly several Sith Lords, what do you think will happen to the Darth Title? Will it be used by the Emperor only? Will just a few (preferably the ones on the Dark Council) have them? Doe...  [Read More]
Posted in: Why bother playing Jedi?
 Darca Lar
12-09-2009, 4:17 PM
jedi tend to live longer XD Non-force users like smugglers live longer since they avoid confrontations when possible. Jedi are always battling Sith and weighed down by restrictions; while the Sith face everyone and themselves....  [Read More]
Posted in: Lightsaber collector:p
 Darca Lar
09-25-2008, 3:43 PM
That finisher scene against Proxy-Maul was pretty cool I think, though I think it was missing something....  [Read More]
Posted in: To buy or not to buy
 Darca Lar
09-25-2008, 4:45 PM
I'd say rent, or buy when the price drops. Overall the game was good and the storyline was solid....  [Read More]
Dismemberment doesn't really concern me all that much here, the thing I want to look at is combat flow, though I'm sure its fine but I've been wrong before. As for the whole holding the saber backwards ordeal its really a style of his own. Mace Wind...  [Read More]
Posted in: Backwards Lightsaber
 Darca Lar
09-26-2008, 2:05 AM
I wouldn't consider Starkiller a Sith considering the story. Rather he used powers of the darkside. Besides, its not how good it is, its how well you use it....  [Read More]
Posted in: Backwards Lightsaber
 Darca Lar
09-25-2008, 4:48 PM
It doesn't bother me, and the fact that he was powerful enough to beat Vader and the Emperor is reason enough to allow it....  [Read More]
Posted in: Um... Shaak Ti died in Episode 3...
 Darca Lar
11-26-2007, 10:50 PM
#13 Yeah in the deleted scenes part it shows Grievous putting a lightsaber threw her chest... How exactly is she in this game again? Yeah, it was a deleted scene...  [Read More]
 Darca Lar
11-24-2007, 9:14 PM
Battlefront doesn't need Jedi. If I want to play as a Jedi, I'll play Jedi Academy. I second that....  [Read More]
Posted in: Force Unleashed question
 Darca Lar
05-06-2007, 5:02 PM
It'll happen eventually....I think....maybe...But hey! The force unleashed looks REALLY good!...  [Read More]
Posted in: KOTOR 3 info from IGN
 Darca Lar
03-21-2006, 11:26 PM
I really dont care that much anymore, i just want to see what they give out, and then ill start judging....  [Read More]
Posted in: kotor 3 names
 Darca Lar
03-19-2006, 5:32 PM
what about KOTOR III: The beginning of the End......  [Read More]
Posted in: Kotor 3 : Legend of The Sith'ari
 Darca Lar
04-18-2007, 10:29 AM
The best way to do K2 IMO would have been to make Revan the PC and assume LS ending on K1. Then skip foward five years to discover Revan has forsaken the Force and become a hermit or is living quietly with Bastila/Carth. I think for K3 they should f...  [Read More]
Posted in: Kotor 3 : Legend of The Sith'ari
 Darca Lar
03-28-2007, 11:26 PM
Make sure you read it all to get the whole idea. The Title Knights Of The Old Republic : Legend of the Sith'ari You are Revan, At the start of the game you have to choose if you are Light Side OR Dark Side. That's all the Idea's i have for now....  [Read More]
Posted in: Getting rid of T3
 Darca Lar
05-06-2006, 11:47 PM
T3 must stay along with HK. There has to be a balance of droids. Plus theyre really cool....  [Read More]
Posted in: What you'd like in KOTOR III..
 Darca Lar
04-22-2007, 6:13 PM
more variety of movement when you're talking would be nice....  [Read More]
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