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Enhanced Ideas: New Force Powers

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02-01-2004, 4:40 AM
Originally posted by Lathain Valtiel
Ummm.. For Force Destruction, why not justify it by saying it is accelerating the particles of air in front of the user to such a degree they convert into a ball of pure heat that is hurled forward at high speed. If Force Speed, Force Sight, and force Lightning all exist, a power like Force Destruction executed in the way I describe is perfectly plausible.
of course, although I thought of it as plasma rather than heat, but if/when they make it, they can be rather vague about the description to please us all, after all, if you can make lightning, why not plasma?

Got plasma?
02-03-2004, 4:27 AM
I'd bring it [new force powers] more in line with the old 2nd edition AD&D psionics. That is the best use of what I'd call force I've come in contact with.

Not the 3E version becuase that is too dragonball z to me.
02-03-2004, 6:33 AM
I agree, DBZ is not where we want to take the force powers.
02-04-2004, 4:00 AM
Another thing I thought of is putting some kind of radar display or something, to represent a jedi's ability to sense opponents. This ability would have a latent mode where the display is vague and blurry and an active mode which you use force energy to get a clearer picture of what's going on around you.

Also, I've noticed a few people mention force powers that are supposed to be mental rather than physical. If you do implement those kind of powers I would recomend putting in a power that lets you shrug off mind tricks. Call it willpower of something like that. That way you get a new method of attack and a way to counter it.
02-04-2004, 4:06 AM
kind of radar

How about instead it just senses uses of the force? When a Force power is used you get a nice blip on the radar.

"I sense a disturbance in the force"
02-04-2004, 4:14 AM
Originally posted by JediLiberator
Another thing I thought of is putting some kind of radar display or something, to represent a jedi's ability to sense opponents. This ability would have a latent mode where the display is vague and blurry and an active mode which you use force energy to get a clearer picture of what's going on around you.

Also, I've noticed a few people mention force powers that are supposed to be mental rather than physical. If you do implement those kind of powers I would recomend putting in a power that lets you shrug off mind tricks. Call it willpower of something like that. That way you get a new method of attack and a way to counter it.

Yeah, a sort of Force Radar has been discussed before. I think it's a pretty good idea.
 Admiral Chemix
02-04-2004, 4:15 PM
Force Radar sounds great, hmmmm, perhaps a force zombie Single Player only ability that makes the victim an allie for 15 seconds or until force runs during that time. I'd like to see more saber related powers.

Force Crush: drains you force (after that, health) and makes your attacks slower yet extremely powerful, 1.5 times normal damage on level one, 2 times stronger with level two, 2.5 times stronger with level 3. Also if it hits another saber using crush at a lower level the saber will be knocked out of the hand of the lower level player. If both are same then they will both be knocked backwards a bit, if both have level 3 and are using it at the same time they both land on the floor. I think this power could make saber battles much more dramatic and exiting, To show that it's on the person would have an effect around the arms similar to that of protect, just red. All katas would be disabled except for roll stab and the thing that happens when your player stabs someone lying on the ground while using level 2 or 3, level 1 all katas are still enabled but katas only do their default damage.

Force Thrust: a combination kata/ force power, when use the player would hold the saber back using both hands and then thrusting it forward into an oponet, with the one hand and using the other for balance, the saber blade would thrust forward and extend 1-3 meters depending on the force level, instant death to the victim, but takes half health and disabled all force powers besides jump for 30 seconds

Force Saber Speed: increases attack speed, drains force, and slows down run speed

I think these powers would realy increase the quality of force powers and helps players to focus more on sword fighting rather than just using force powers, it combines the two yet still requires skill

New lightside ability ideas

Force Wave: drains all force upon use and knocks down all players within a 1.5 to 2.5 meter radius depending on skill level, looks like a transparent bubble

Darkside ability ideas

Force cannon: uses force for ammo, and charges the gun with force, the gun would shake rapidly, though upon release of the power the gun would fire, a force beam, it would damage enemies heavily but heal allies quickly, a victim using absorb would have absorb shut down instantly yet no damage, but also no force, but thats only when using cannon level 3.

Please take these thoughts into consideration
02-08-2004, 4:41 AM
any who my two cents for the day are as follows:
make the power yoda used in AotC( reflecting dooku's force lighting) , I'll call is force reflect, usuable by making it so any lighting or drain shot at the player using it will have that lighting drawn to the hand of the reflecting player. As long as you hold down the force button you keep drawing any lighting in close range and within sight. Then release the force button to shoot back the lighting. If you hold down the button too long and your energy drains out you should take some kind of flashback damage.
that's all folks!
02-13-2004, 4:07 PM
one more idea of mine. In a lot of the star wars books theres this idea of giving yourself completely over to the force, opening the floodgates if you will, and becoming very powerful. Basically I propose having this power in the game to give both jedi and sith a power that works like rage, but rather than lose health for it you gain, at most, a twenty five second burst of energy that speeds up all movements and attacks, and feeds you continous force energy. After that you are slowed down and weaker in attacks for fifteen seconds, and can't use the force for about ten seconds. And when using force sight or radar or whatever to spot these people they should be VERY visible, practically glowing with the force. Otherwise no sound or visuals should ID them.
02-14-2004, 1:12 PM
I'd like to see some form of levitation make it's way into the system. Not sure how fine it might work for game play and balance, but perhaps there can be a cvar that disables/enables it ;)? A non-damage dealing grip.
02-17-2004, 11:21 AM
how about a "you dont want to kill me, you want to go home and rethink your life" force power?

effect- player disconnects from server, gets up of chair and goes out side for once :p

lol anyway i think you should make grip affect different body parts
so if you aimed at head it would do normal grip but their leg it would dangle them from their leg like a rag doll and their arm similar and their chest kinda likeliying back in the air with thier chest thrust upwards in a mangled sorta way

sorry if this has been alreadys uggested there is a lot of post to look through
02-17-2004, 6:48 PM
What about a power like the one Jerec uses in the movie intro to the original Jedi Knight game? He shoot this blast of energy and it render this jedi rahn helpless long enough for jerec to behead him. It would be a really power consuming power, but it wouldn't be an actual fireball type thing. You wouldn't do any damage with it. Just a thought.
02-18-2004, 9:58 PM
Seems like a power like that could be easily abused (and would spawn the --'OMFG U R A PARALZYERZZZZ LAMERZZ', but then again, maybe if it took 100 force points and screwed you over even longer than dark rage does...
03-10-2004, 6:45 PM
I know some are for and against 'dbz style' powers, but id like to point out that animations and effects for a beam attack, which id like to see personally, exist in the game, Rosh's Reborn twin minders from the battle at vaders castle use something that looks like a beam attack to regenerate him.

I think it would be cool to charge it up, taking more forcepower the more you charge, to get more power and knockback behind it, and if it could cause dismemberment with a good hit.
03-12-2004, 12:19 AM
I just thought of a new power, prehaps call it force confusion? I think it should be light side orientated, and act like a flashbang in counterstrike, blinding enemies who have the jedi in their field of vision. Prehaps at a lower level it just acts like the targets are hit by the interigator droids needle, then it blinds them, and at highest level it blinds them and prevents them attacking, like the howlers scream.

Might need some though to make sure its not abused, but i think it has potential.
03-12-2004, 10:46 AM
Force Blind from Dark Forces II :D
That's a good suggestion though, we could use something like a flashbang..
03-14-2004, 12:48 PM
I would like to try and clear this up....

It has been stated that in Star Wars, no force power is inherently evil or good. It's just dark force users prefer to use destructive powers like lightning because of their destructive nature, and jedi prefer powers like heal becuase of their helpful nature. Thus, if the player is the force user, they should be able to choose which powers they use. However, here's an idea.

If someone's stuck in the middle of the road in terms of a force bias, they wouldn't have much focus in the force. Focus comes from concentrating on one side of the force, if you're constantly in conflict with both sides you can't focus, you can't be very powerful. Thus, people who choose either side of the force should have weaker levels of the other side's force powers available to them.

Only dark side purists can have the highest level of lightning (or destruction if it's implemented) and focused light side users can only access the highest healing powers or absorb powers.

Another thing: dodge could be implemented as a force power with levels, making it also a power more suited to saberists than force advocates. As well as this, a strong force user should be able to stand up to a saberist, despite being weak with a saber. This caters for more of a division between force lovers and saber lovers, but that may be too much.
05-14-2004, 2:05 AM
Might as well get this written down while I'm thinking about it.

True Grip:

Split grip and choke up into two seperate powers.

Then have it work similar to Psi-ops :)

once gripping, the view is locked. left/right up/down moves the grippee left/right forward/back in small increments.

The new choke power can also be used (with less damage) while gripping, (otherwise choking just imobilizes the person on the ground bringing them to their knees.)

If you let go of the grip button while moving the grippee, then force push/pull is used sending them flying in the current direction they were moving.

After this, It'd be nice to see items, structural models in-game (chairs benches cans boxes), and breakable brush objects be effected likewise.
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