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Posted in: Modding MP
03-07-2005, 7:24 AM
Or even a voice system... like cs:s would be good. so you can bark orders at people and inform people of the other teams movements....  [Read More]
Posted in: Republic Commando's Ending *spoilers*
03-21-2005, 8:09 PM
Originally posted by joetheeskimo5 Yeah. Delta Squad is not going to be in Episode 3, Usurpo. At least not with a noticeable part. I dunno, I think Ep3's creation was started way too long before Republic Commando's to include that. Still, it coul...  [Read More]
Posted in: Republic Commando's Ending *spoilers*
03-07-2005, 8:52 PM
Well if you were into star wars in the 70/80s then you would have been able to read the books... and you find out that the wookies do infact become slaves to the empire as do alot of other races and are in that way for a long time.....Persoanlly i th...  [Read More]
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