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Page: 26 of 92
Posted in: Exclusive!!!!
09-12-2005, 8:13 PM
#13 Ah, thanks anyway, but I already gave in and registered. One of those videos is total crap, just a dummy repeatedly crashing his TIE Fighters, but the other one is nice....  [Read More]
Posted in: Exclusive!!!!
09-11-2005, 3:59 PM
Oh come on... you HAVE to register? That's lame. Can't someone just post it here?...  [Read More]
The Commander classes probably change for different maps. Probably not. I have seen, however, those camouflaged 41st troopers on Kashyyyk (most clones are still 501st though), and I haven't seen the Galactic Marines on Kashyyyk, so maybe at least on...  [Read More]
In SWBF2, yes, they are. Of course, that is seriously screwed up. Actually the Clone sixth commander aren't not Clone Marines...look: Way to prove that you have...  [Read More]
No more screwed up than having Galactic Marines as the Clone Commander. ?????????????????????? They are not the clone commanders! In SWBF2, yes, they are. Of course, that is seriously screwed up. I don't think it's actually confirmed that the Magn...  [Read More]
:mad: Well if you can find a better Heavey trooper skin and Commander skin let us know. Uh, take a Clone Trooper, and put some spare equipment on his back. Tada, instant Heavy Trooper. And uh... Commander skin would be either Cody, Bacara, Bly, etc....  [Read More]
Is that me? :D If it is, you didn't upset me, I swear. :) We're having a real nice little debate in the other topic. Well I don't know... I just know you're not against playable Jedi, but that doesn't make you a fanboy IMO. Fanboys are like... the...  [Read More]
Totally agreed... you made the rant thread that I wanted to but I'm too afraid of upsetting the fanboys. >_> BTW, what's BOH?...  [Read More]
...and you can revive anyone with a defibrillator :D Ahaha, yeah. That being said, I really miss a "real" medic class in Bfront (not some pilot bull****). I like playing as a medic in BField because it's really a different gameplay. In Bf...  [Read More]
He probably means that a rookie foot soldier wouldn't be allowed to play with a B52, and that we shouldn't really consider Bfront's gameplay as "militarily correct". Absolute correctness in a game isn't possible. I mean, even BF2 isn't ent...  [Read More]
When was the last time you saw a normal clone soldier just hopping into a Gunship or a tank? In reality only pilots would be able to use them. I fail to see how that relates at all. The clone trooper doesn't become a Jedi, the Jedi just enters the...  [Read More]
There's better ways or rewarding players than having them compete with their own team to get the Jedi. Really, that's not encouraging teamwork at all - it's encouraging players to whore the tanks to get more kills than everyone else, or even playing...  [Read More]
Posted in: A detailed list of the Heros/Jedi from OPM for BF II!
09-11-2005, 10:35 PM
I fail to see why just because someone is serving as a general it makes them automatically an official member of the army. That's not how it works. I mean, that would be like saying that the Wookiees are also part of the Grand Army because they serve...  [Read More]
Posted in: A detailed list of the Heros/Jedi from OPM for BF II!
09-11-2005, 11:32 AM
We're not talking about where battles take place. You do realize that there is a "conflict" between Jedi and droids in the arena. This conflick happens to be a battle. A small battle indeed, but a battle nonetheless. Not part of the Battle...  [Read More]
?? Glad we're talking about the same thing. No, it seems you're talking about the fight between a number of Jedi and droids. That is not the Battle of Geonosis... it is the conflict that sparked the massive battle we know as the Battle of Geonosis....  [Read More]
It's a confrontation. Therefore, it's a battle. Yes, it did spark the huge geonosis battle. But it was a battle in it's own right. What I'm talking about is the Battle of Geonosis. That doesn't really prove anything. They might be part of different...  [Read More]
Not where the big battle took place, but a battle took place there nonetheless. Not really, it was just the confrontation that sparked the Battle of Geonosis. Any official proof of this? I honestly don't know. Obi and Ani did have their own fleet (...  [Read More]
Of course not. I'm talking about the arena itself. Uh, that's not where the battle took place... The Jedi are part of the Grand Army. You said yourself they were the generals. Wrong. They were not part of the Grand Army. They are the Jedi Order....  [Read More]
In the Geo arena, they didn't have many troopers to command around did they? A few thousand. I assume you mean the battlefield outside the arena. One of the republic trooper is the clone commander. So why wouldn't a Jedi commander/general be playab...  [Read More]
Why shouldn't they be playable? There were several Jedi who were just sent to Geonosis to serve as "soldiers". Wrong, they were serving as commanders and generals, not grunts. In the prequels, Jedi fought in battles with the clones. They...  [Read More]
I don't want to sound harsh or anything, but Jedi are part of Star Wars, whether you like it or not. Well yeah, of course, but does it make sense to put them in a game like Battlefront, where you play as the soldiers? Don't make me quote Mace from A...  [Read More]
What's a Star Wars game without Jedi Knights? Right, awesome. Unluckily, Battlefront II provides several ways for you to acquire your own midi-clorianated warrior Fixed....  [Read More]
Posted in: Kit Fisto?
09-06-2005, 11:30 PM
Well yes but I wouldn't count Kit out yet, he could still be in a Geonosis arena map, assuming there is one, and wasn't Mace Windu killed during the encounter with Palpatine? and yet we have seen him in the temple. Maybe several important jedi will b...  [Read More]
Posted in: Parts for a J-Type Noobian cruiser?
09-05-2005, 6:55 PM
n00bians! :)...  [Read More]
Posted in: *spoiler* I CANT BELIEVE THATS THE END
09-05-2005, 11:09 PM
and the republic? It turned into the Empire. Didn't you see RotS?...  [Read More]
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