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Posted in: Might be stuck, need an assist
07-22-2003, 10:52 PM
Thanks for the help...finally managed to beat him...I sat there and thought I'd have to go and replay some other parts of the game to get a special item or something...and it just came down to a whole lot of running......  [Read More]
Posted in: Might be stuck, need an assist
07-22-2003, 7:13 AM
Beat that last part...but now I'm up against MALAK, and everytime his saber touches me I get stunned...I have tried everything I can think of to beat this there a trick? I took out all of the 'jedi' lining the room and then faced him one on...  [Read More]
Posted in: Might be stuck, need an assist
07-21-2003, 8:23 AM
Warning...some inadvertant spoilers below... I'm on the Star Forge, easily got out of the docking bay and past the next level, but once Malak decides to send the troops and Dark Jedi after me, well, it all went down hill from there... They wiped ou...  [Read More]
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