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The content here was reconstructed by scraping the Wayback Machine in an effort to restore some of what was lost when LF went down. The LucasForums Archive Project claims no ownership over the content or assets that were archived on

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Posted in: <GuNs>
05-26-2003, 5:14 AM
guns and sabers have thier ups and downs :P anyway will thre be ctf in jk3? i heard from this mag that maybe they wont have ctf? =/ CTF IS THE MOST IMPORTANT GAMETYPE!...  [Read More]
Posted in: <GuNs>
05-23-2003, 3:42 AM
if they take the the flak cannon and the rocket launcher... that be freakin lame =/ if that guy is on rage or protect and ur trying to kill him with ur reapeater or whareveer by the time his rage or proetcts wares out so will ur ammo............  [Read More]
Posted in: <GuNs>
05-22-2003, 6:43 AM
but..but..but we need the Flechette to do the Flak Jump:( :confused: Since the have the two saber thingie maybe the can put two weapons a well:amidala: :p :cool: :rolleyes: Maybe 2 bryars :D :P...  [Read More]
Posted in: <GuNs>
05-22-2003, 6:19 AM
Guns are the most important weapon in jk :P How raven or lucasarts didnt show any screenshots of the GUNS? What kind of guns will they include?I hope it as powerful as the weapons in jk2. :) :D And itd be nice if we can throw the saber much faster an...  [Read More]