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Darth Eggplant

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Page: 7 of 44
Posted in: Food For Thought
 Darth Eggplant
03-15-2003, 12:36 AM
* the joke that was told 3 posts ago has been replaced by another joke, that hopefully will not be considered as offensive.*  [Read More]
Posted in: Food For Thought
 Darth Eggplant
03-14-2003, 1:16 AM
<edit> the prior joke has been edited, try this one instead </edit> 3 ducks are in court , the judge says: 'okay first duck step up and tell me your name and what you're here for.' the first duck steps up and says: my name is quack...  [Read More]
Posted in: Food For Thought
 Darth Eggplant
03-12-2003, 2:05 AM
1. Can vegetarians eat animal crackers? 2. If man evolved from apes why do we still have apes? 3. I went to a bookstore and asked the saleswoman where the Self Help section was, she said if she told me it would defeat the purpose. 4. Shoul...  [Read More]
Posted in: New rumours
 Darth Eggplant
03-14-2003, 11:23 PM
gee 1998 was around the time Cyan more or less put out Riven. although the MYST games have no interactions with characters they are mouse driven point and click adventure\puzzle solving type games which still sell at box office profit figures. and...  [Read More]
Posted in: Funny Version of Star Wars
 Darth Eggplant
03-10-2003, 10:01 PM
a friend told there is an edited version of episode 1 out there where they apinstakingly removed every frame of Jar Jar Binks....  [Read More]
Posted in: Homemade Wallpaper
 Darth Eggplant
03-12-2003, 1:41 AM
Groovy what rez is your monitor set at? (so I can make the right size wallpaper for you) also clean out your hotmail I have 6 emauls to send you all between 600 and 900kb.  [Read More]
Posted in: May The Farce Be With You
 Darth Eggplant
03-14-2003, 6:21 PM
#37  [Read More]
Posted in: May The Farce Be With You
 Darth Eggplant
03-14-2003, 12:25 PM
#35  [Read More]
Posted in: May The Farce Be With You
 Darth Eggplant
03-14-2003, 1:21 AM
#33  [Read More]
Posted in: May The Farce Be With You
 Darth Eggplant
03-13-2003, 3:48 PM
*actually I did not, but I should have guessed.* **I can also happily say one of my greatest Alice moments was spending 45 glorious quiet minutes with Vincent in a video rental store back in the 80's** (this one's a tribute to you Groovy!) http://ww...  [Read More]
Posted in: May The Farce Be With You
 Darth Eggplant
03-12-2003, 3:08 PM
#28  [Read More]
Posted in: May The Farce Be With You
 Darth Eggplant
03-12-2003, 1:59 AM
*If Tim Burton and Alice Cooper had colaborated on TNBC Jack Skellington might have looked like this.*  [Read More]
Posted in: May The Farce Be With You
 Darth Eggplant
03-09-2003, 4:37 PM
#19  [Read More]
Posted in: HTML Workshop
 Darth Eggplant
03-10-2003, 9:39 PM
it's mainly for Sanspoof and only basic html anything real fancy needs a good html program or serious prgraming there is a cool thing called flashmx for great flash page designs and stuff...  [Read More]
Posted in: HTML Workshop
 Darth Eggplant
03-09-2003, 4:10 PM
okay so if you want to make a background the code is this: <body background="asylumtile.jpg"> *please note use whatever image you have instead of asylumtile.* **also if you are going to make a bg tile make sure your images line up,...  [Read More]
Posted in: Best Of The 80's Anthology
 Darth Eggplant
03-12-2003, 3:01 PM
this thread is getting long and raveled so how about this, no flaming just share with us a favourite band or musician from the 1980's. for me the 80's was several things; Oingo Boingo was one of them. so here are some Faq's concerning this one of my...  [Read More]
Posted in: Nightlight auditions - Beneath Monkey Island!
 Darth Eggplant
03-12-2003, 1:25 AM
I always thought Dalek was Darlek. anyhow Hi Harry! Haven't been or sceen or said anything much lately on your forum so just being social.  [Read More]
Posted in: Another Word Association
 Darth Eggplant
03-13-2003, 2:03 PM
Blackhawk Down...  [Read More]
Posted in: Another Word Association
 Darth Eggplant
03-12-2003, 12:21 PM
canary in a coal mine hmmm... anti+dis+establishment+arianism (might just be you moxy misanthrope);) ANTIDISESTABLISHMENTARIANISM and if you don't like it, then you smell like bacon and oppression to me....  [Read More]
Posted in: Another Word Association
 Darth Eggplant
03-12-2003, 12:33 AM
antidisestablishmenttarianism...  [Read More]
Posted in: Another Word Association
 Darth Eggplant
03-10-2003, 8:34 PM
rat in the kitchen...  [Read More]
Posted in: What's your Wallpaper? (56k ouchies)
 Darth Eggplant
03-12-2003, 1:30 AM
Lucas store is woo woo woo img signature cost 900 points  [Read More]
Posted in: XyloBone Music
 Darth Eggplant
03-09-2003, 4:18 PM
*no song lyrics today just the Faq's* What is Boingo? Boingo (also known as Oingo Boingo) is an eclectic musical group from Southern California that could never really be catagorized, though people have often tried. They have recorded 11 album...  [Read More]
Posted in: Member photos
 Darth Eggplant
03-12-2003, 1:12 AM
there is a website called woo woo woo wsmcafe dot com you can make free websites there, and then you can get your pic up here too. once your pic is on a page of this website, right click it to get properties, and then cut and paste the url into a i...  [Read More]
Posted in: Member photos
 Darth Eggplant
03-10-2003, 9:32 PM
#47 darth eggplant's doppleganger, the gentleman on the left is one Jan Kupecky Czech Renaissance painter his self portrait hangs in the Art Gallery of Ontario here in Toronto Canada....  [Read More]
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