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Page: 18 of 34
Posted in: Merry Christmas
12-26-2000, 5:03 PM
Merry Chistmas everybody! I came out pretty well this year. I got some programs for my websites, and other computer stuff. Got gift cards to Blockbuster, Best Buy, and Borders too. Not to mention some SW Legos and a lot of good Peanuts merchandise....  [Read More]
Posted in: Going away
12-26-2000, 4:53 PM
If I see any Disney caracters posting on these boards, i'm gonna kill him ------------------ "Noobies Suck" ThRaWn90,RAL_Thrawn,SOB_Thrawn Rogue 6...  [Read More]
Posted in: Going away
12-22-2000, 8:18 PM
bye. and good ridance! ------------------ "Noobies Suck" ThRaWn90,RAL_Thrawn,SOB_Thrawn Rogue 6...  [Read More]
Posted in: Wow! a real Star Wars question!
12-26-2000, 4:58 PM
I think old palpy would have had as hard a time as the NR is right now. First thing's first. Your friendly neighborhood Bothan Chief of State must die. ------------------ "Noobies Suck" ThRaWn90,RAL_Thrawn,SOB_Thrawn Rogue 6...  [Read More]
Posted in: Wow! a real Star Wars question!
12-24-2000, 11:54 AM
Yeah that sucks. I hope Mara and Luke name their son Ben. It would truly complete the circle. ------------------ "Noobies Suck" ThRaWn90,RAL_Thrawn,SOB_Thrawn Rogue 6...  [Read More]
Posted in: Going away
12-26-2000, 4:53 PM
If I see any Disney caracters posting on these boards, i'm gonna kill him ------------------ "Noobies Suck" ThRaWn90,RAL_Thrawn,SOB_Thrawn Rogue 6...  [Read More]
Posted in: Going away
12-22-2000, 8:18 PM
bye. and good ridance! ------------------ "Noobies Suck" ThRaWn90,RAL_Thrawn,SOB_Thrawn Rogue 6...  [Read More]
Posted in: Wow! a real Star Wars question!
12-26-2000, 4:58 PM
I think old palpy would have had as hard a time as the NR is right now. First thing's first. Your friendly neighborhood Bothan Chief of State must die. ------------------ "Noobies Suck" ThRaWn90,RAL_Thrawn,SOB_Thrawn Rogue 6...  [Read More]
Posted in: Wow! a real Star Wars question!
12-24-2000, 11:54 AM
Yeah that sucks. I hope Mara and Luke name their son Ben. It would truly complete the circle. ------------------ "Noobies Suck" ThRaWn90,RAL_Thrawn,SOB_Thrawn Rogue 6...  [Read More]
Posted in: Merry Christmas
12-26-2000, 5:03 PM
Merry Chistmas everybody! I came out pretty well this year. I got some programs for my websites, and other computer stuff. Got gift cards to Blockbuster, Best Buy, and Borders too. Not to mention some SW Legos and a lot of good Peanuts merchandise....  [Read More]
Posted in: Going away
12-26-2000, 4:53 PM
If I see any Disney caracters posting on these boards, i'm gonna kill him ------------------ "Noobies Suck" ThRaWn90,RAL_Thrawn,SOB_Thrawn Rogue 6...  [Read More]
Posted in: Going away
12-22-2000, 8:18 PM
bye. and good ridance! ------------------ "Noobies Suck" ThRaWn90,RAL_Thrawn,SOB_Thrawn Rogue 6...  [Read More]
Posted in: Wow! a real Star Wars question!
12-26-2000, 4:58 PM
I think old palpy would have had as hard a time as the NR is right now. First thing's first. Your friendly neighborhood Bothan Chief of State must die. ------------------ "Noobies Suck" ThRaWn90,RAL_Thrawn,SOB_Thrawn Rogue 6...  [Read More]
Posted in: Wow! a real Star Wars question!
12-24-2000, 11:54 AM
Yeah that sucks. I hope Mara and Luke name their son Ben. It would truly complete the circle. ------------------ "Noobies Suck" ThRaWn90,RAL_Thrawn,SOB_Thrawn Rogue 6...  [Read More]
Posted in: Merry Christmas
12-26-2000, 5:03 PM
Merry Chistmas everybody! I came out pretty well this year. I got some programs for my websites, and other computer stuff. Got gift cards to Blockbuster, Best Buy, and Borders too. Not to mention some SW Legos and a lot of good Peanuts merchandise....  [Read More]
Posted in: Going away
12-26-2000, 4:53 PM
If I see any Disney caracters posting on these boards, i'm gonna kill him ------------------ "Noobies Suck" ThRaWn90,RAL_Thrawn,SOB_Thrawn Rogue 6...  [Read More]
Posted in: Going away
12-22-2000, 8:18 PM
bye. and good ridance! ------------------ "Noobies Suck" ThRaWn90,RAL_Thrawn,SOB_Thrawn Rogue 6...  [Read More]
Posted in: Wow! a real Star Wars question!
12-26-2000, 4:58 PM
I think old palpy would have had as hard a time as the NR is right now. First thing's first. Your friendly neighborhood Bothan Chief of State must die. ------------------ "Noobies Suck" ThRaWn90,RAL_Thrawn,SOB_Thrawn Rogue 6...  [Read More]
Posted in: Wow! a real Star Wars question!
12-24-2000, 11:54 AM
Yeah that sucks. I hope Mara and Luke name their son Ben. It would truly complete the circle. ------------------ "Noobies Suck" ThRaWn90,RAL_Thrawn,SOB_Thrawn Rogue 6...  [Read More]
Posted in: Christmas Party 2K
12-26-2000, 5:07 PM
family and friends are the best gifts of all ------------------ "Noobies Suck" ThRaWn90,RAL_Thrawn,SOB_Thrawn Rogue 6...  [Read More]
Posted in: Christmas Party 2K
12-23-2000, 6:22 PM
Ah, the annual holiday party at the forums. Gotta love it I'm not paying, R9 is, I'll just transfer the bill to his tab ------------------ "Noobies Su...  [Read More]
Posted in: That's it, I have had it. I'm gone......
12-26-2000, 5:09 PM
Don't worry, he knows those rules down to the smallest detail! ------------------ "Noobies Suck" ThRaWn90,RAL_Thrawn,SOB_Thrawn Rogue 6...  [Read More]
Posted in: Ike's news
12-26-2000, 4:56 PM
Thanks for sharing R9 ------------------ "Noobies Suck" ThRaWn90,RAL_Thrawn,SOB_Thrawn Rogue 6...  [Read More]
Posted in: Ike's news
12-23-2000, 6:26 PM
For once his stupidity pays off... ------------------ "Noobies Suck" ThRaWn90,RAL_Thrawn,SOB_Thrawn Rogue 6...  [Read More]
Posted in: There's gotta be somebody here
12-22-2000, 8:13 PM
me neither ------------------ "Noobies Suck" ThRaWn90,RAL_Thrawn,SOB_Thrawn Rogue 6...  [Read More]
Page: 18 of 34