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Posted in: WIP: Tercero-Anakin Model
08-08-2002, 3:43 AM
Doesn't look bad at all - I can't say much about the form, although the head seems a little odd. Maybe it's too large...?...  [Read More]
Posted in: Old account issue
08-08-2002, 4:19 PM
"dreddnott" is my old, old account (3 years old), which I can log in as, but for some reason I can't view any of the forums. I get that dumb old no permission message, wherever I go! When I came back, I was forced to create this silly user...  [Read More]
Posted in: Regarding "dreddnott" account name
08-07-2002, 2:50 AM
I found the right forum to post this in. Disregard please....  [Read More]
Posted in: JKII.NET Modelling Forum - Serious problems.
08-08-2002, 4:06 PM
Will do, Mr. Rhett... Right now, the focus is less on disciplinary action against kman and more on getting more moderators and maybe an administrator focusing on the modeling and even skinning forums for kman is working alone and appears...  [Read More]
Posted in: Covenat Elite Finished:D
08-02-2002, 2:28 AM
Wow! That guy is uglier than my mother! Great job!...  [Read More]
Posted in: Covenant Elite
07-22-2002, 10:39 PM
I'm hoping it's going to be another great freaky model for people to use. I only played Halo once, and that was 8-way multiplayer at a LAN party, so I have no idea what this sucker really looks like in action. Looks like a great challenge for y'all...  [Read More]
Posted in: The Return of Mara Jade
08-06-2002, 3:00 AM
This is really the first beautiful, gorgeous model I've seen for JK2. I don't see any flaws, but it would be nice if it was a versatile model with many characters/hairstyles/etc included in it....  [Read More]
Posted in: WIP: Sidious\Palpatine very early model
06-14-2002, 6:54 PM
I hate to butt in like this and just straight-up give you some criticism, but I want to be constructive. It really seems like his chest/torso area is unusually wide... I like the idea of a mad hopping Emperor wielding a lightsaber, though. Way to go...  [Read More]
Posted in: WIP: Count Dooku model (with cape ;) )
06-19-2002, 7:56 AM
Spectacular effort, great-looking so far... But I second ben111 on the model's Dooku's got himself some nasty-looking hands. :-) I'm only saying this because I love you very much and I could give you all a big kiss!...  [Read More]
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