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dead rising 3 is nuts. killed over 1000 zombies so far. i love it! cant wait to see what other games are coming out this year, i can not wait for battlefront....  [Read More]
ok the downside of the new xbox is that the games are automatically installed from the disc, and this takes a long time...dead rising 3 has this 13gb update on top of that, and it's been a couple hours now and only at 81%, you can play the game while...  [Read More]
dead rising 3 is crazy so many zombies...  [Read More]
got my xbox one, missed the main bus i was to take back here...hopped on another one that dropped me a mile away from my place. basically rucked back home ahaha. happy ****ing valentines day to ME!!!!!!!!...  [Read More]
got my backpay from the VA for last semester's housing allowance. time to go get xbox one, new pair of running shoes, get my dog his shots, pay off my AR15, and go shopping for a sidearm. :) games im gonna get for xbox one: Battlefield 4 Dead Risin...  [Read More]
going away mentally for a while, gotta get my fitness level raised above all else....  [Read More]
tearing through some homework!...  [Read More]
i want beer. sweet baby jesus is amazing. hoping to go to bar after my buddy gets out of work today, they're playing "Spaceballs" there. :D...  [Read More]
day off from classes. meh, boringness ensues. kind of on standby to standby for state active duty....  [Read More]
"there's this book..."...  [Read More]
it's because i am here. :P...  [Read More]
time to go catch the bus and get some supplies, do some homework, go to school.... livin that post 9/11 gi bill life, son!...  [Read More]
just got more money from my college in the mail. God bless America. :joy:...  [Read More]
my dog woke me up at 0500 to go out...then every 30 minutes thereafter. hoping classes go by fast's snowing, of course my college doesn't close. :)...  [Read More]
so the eagles won? i blew the superbowl off to watch Seal Team Six on netflix. Better use of my time honoring and remembering people that are actually worth a damn....  [Read More]
crazy weekend....  [Read More]
hehe i actually was at a chinese buffet last night, without realizing the holiday til i ended up at the bar!...  [Read More]
lol god i was so drunk last night. my new year starts today!!!! zero more drinks for me... Got a PT group set up on facebook with my friends as well as brothers from my unit, as well as future guardsmen...setting up fun events like tonight we're goi...  [Read More]
found more **** to do that doesn't involve alcohol... Laser Tag. gonna see if my buddies wanna do that after we go tackle a mountain tomorrow....  [Read More]
survival of the fittest!  [Read More]
got alot of reading done...i think reading the chapter+my notes after will help me study? idk at least i take good ethics paper is looking like a challenge, though it's not due til later on. the paper i have to write for drugs & behavi...  [Read More]
i'd love for them to bring the draft in so i could get an article 15 for hazing the hippies....  [Read More]
I think we should get rid of the party system altogether, and as far as congress, term limits, and none of this 'lifetime benefits' hell even take away their benefits altogether like they tried to do to me and my brothers. no more "career politi...  [Read More]
yeah thats how i ended up dating girls with psychological disorders! but at least i got some, the way i see it had i not done that, my 20s would've been absolutely ****ing depressing, i'd literally be the 30 year old virgin! :( but as of right now i...  [Read More] makes me laugh...i did a search, for women around 2000 miles, put in the no kids, conservative, other political view...only got like 8 results. really according to this particular site plus what i am looking for, there is not much out there...  [Read More]
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