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Page: 7 of 102
Posted in: The One Year Thread 2016: Dark Forum Rising
01-16-2016, 3:00 AM
#98 can't wait to see this!!!! hoping they bring more EU ships into the series....  [Read More]
Posted in: The One Year Thread 2016: Dark Forum Rising
01-16-2016, 2:56 AM
Rouge, did you graduate? Or are you just on your break? O.o odd choice of wording, but...ok I guess? i quit. **** it i was only going past associate for the extra $600 a month that i get for basic allowance for housing with the post 911 gi bill....  [Read More]
Posted in: The One Year Thread 2016: Dark Forum Rising
01-15-2016, 12:09 AM
getting into star wars comic books. oh god there's a whole lot i need to read. i love being out of college! going to start with Tales of the Jedi and go through the whole damn thing!...  [Read More]
Posted in: The One Year Thread 2016: Dark Forum Rising
01-11-2016, 10:18 AM
still waiting on a phone call about another job. might as well be happy i am currently employed. :)...  [Read More]
Posted in: The One Year Thread 2016: Dark Forum Rising
01-09-2016, 2:11 AM
throwing a party tomorrow. glad i am off this weekend. planning on going to the gym, playing the old republic, then hosting the party and playing some fun party games with my friends like guesstures, pictionary, etc. :)...  [Read More]
Posted in: The One Year Thread 2016: Dark Forum Rising
01-06-2016, 11:51 PM
lol @ ed. waiting to hear from another job...hoping i hear by Friday. hoping i can start rewind operator FT$$$$...  [Read More]
Posted in: The One Year Thread 2016: Dark Forum Rising
01-06-2016, 1:58 AM
good stuff...streamed tfa on my xbox one this evening. (seen it twice in the theatre already) the stormtroopers in this movie are ****ing awesome. the beginning scene is great example. currently reading The Old Republic comic books, The Lost Suns....  [Read More]
Posted in: The One Year Thread 2016: Dark Forum Rising
01-04-2016, 11:36 PM
I love the prequels. I think I enjoyed The Phantom Menace the most out of all of them because that's about the time when I really got into star wars, the expanded universe (through games and books). I guess it'll grow on me especially once I get fill...  [Read More]
Posted in: The One Year Thread 2016: Dark Forum Rising
01-04-2016, 12:17 PM
got a pending bench warrant for being slow to pay off a ticket for accidentally running a (probably illegal) stop sign. happy new year to me. just hope i get paid this friday from my job so i can go pay that **** off....  [Read More]
Posted in: The One Year Thread 2016: Dark Forum Rising
01-02-2016, 11:30 PM
nice, Lynk. if you're on your sith empire characters, look up Saurat. I play very often, haven't done any Operations though, trying to get all the side quests and heroics and exploration achievements. :)...  [Read More]
Posted in: The One Year Thread 2016: Dark Forum Rising
01-02-2016, 5:43 PM
I loved them at the end space battle. Poe Dameron fit the role of an Xwing pilot pretty well. I've been playing The Old Republic with my awesome girlfriend who i got into star wars :)...  [Read More]
lol yeah i hear ya k_k...i actually make bets on who's gonna die next. :) i still enjoy watching it though, but i don't understand all the hype around it. I'm waiting for The Clone Wars to be put up on Netflix. I can't wait. :) I played Battlefie...  [Read More]
because money>Lives alot of places are closed down here today...ended up not getting selected for state active duty. though it just started snowing. lol uncertain if i'll be going to virginia this weekend. Playing Battlefield 4's new map packs.....  [Read More]
may get state active duty! :D...  [Read More]
pfft it's easy to find someone to love, finding someone to love that will love you back isn't worth the time or the effort, just get a dog. on a more serious note, i think the girl i'm texting (one that messaged me on might actually be seri...  [Read More]
i love bowling...think i'll be going every friday with some of my bros. it's a good time....  [Read More]
nice, that's further than i went...i stopped after a mile then did intervals for another mile. walked another mile to the bus stop then another 3/4 mile home. so far the shoes are great. i gotta get out and run every single day (even if there's snow...  [Read More]
no more excuses for failing the pt test. pt every day!!!!!!!...  [Read More]
pt or die all month for me. i need to pass my pt test next drill so i don't get flagged as a pt failure. 1-5 degrees outside, 2 mile run. can i handle it? guess i'll find out. more concerned about the walk back to the bus stop in soaking wet clothes....  [Read More]
heh i ain't gonna lie, i checked out aff, it's a breeding ground for STDs, stay away!!! Got a new pair of running shoes tonight, Asics GT 2000. expensive, but well worth the price, I'm going to run tomorrow morning, assuming it's not frost-bite cold...  [Read More]
hell, i got dumped between my birthday and valentines day. celebrating this year with Xbox One. :) actually going with a friend to Virginia. :) I've been talking to this chick who lives in philly, she said she's interested in me, but without me hav...  [Read More]
woke up early as ****...ready for classes today, got some great music playing on spotify to help me stay awake....  [Read More]
TWD episode was pretty cool. I had an overall good drill weekend. damn it feels good to be a cav scout....  [Read More]
land nav class all day long. we had a test, i did much better than i thought i'd do, but still room for improvement. change of command ceremony tomorrow, then gotta train all month for the pt test next month. dead rising 3 continues to be awesome....  [Read More]
time for sleep...loh fml...  [Read More]
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