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Samuel Dravis

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Page: 9 of 56
Posted in: i must have missed something
 Samuel Dravis
07-21-2008, 2:02 PM
Well, these may be my final words in RD for awhile. With that being said, I leave you with this: (  [Read More]
Posted in: Davinq
 Samuel Dravis
07-19-2008, 2:39 AM
okay guys i am still not decided on this important issue it is now time to convince me that i should ignore davinq, or leave things as they are, which is the lazy option and given my laziness will probably be the one that i pick if there is no good...  [Read More]
Posted in: So I was thinkin'
 Samuel Dravis
07-14-2008, 2:28 AM
he just had a temp ban and it expires tomorrow so watch out, he's prolly going to kill us all :devscare: that smiley was the devil, i am in league with him you know >:|...  [Read More]
Posted in: So I was thinkin'
 Samuel Dravis
07-14-2008, 1:41 AM
#13  [Read More]
Posted in: So I was thinkin'
 Samuel Dravis
07-14-2008, 12:34 AM
#11  [Read More]
Posted in: How is Allie a pregnant man?
 Samuel Dravis
07-13-2008, 12:56 AM
It was Internet, of course. I mean, the other options are possible but with Internet it's inevitable... :D...  [Read More]
Posted in: goodbye. i am going to miss you guys
 Samuel Dravis
07-13-2008, 2:36 AM
i concede the point davin...  [Read More]
Posted in: goodbye. i am going to miss you guys
 Samuel Dravis
07-13-2008, 12:54 AM
Have fun there allies! I would say something weird, but well, everything weird has already been said. :(...  [Read More]
Posted in: Which KOTOR I and II character are you?
 Samuel Dravis
07-08-2008, 10:46 PM
Yech, I got Disciple! That's probably because I didn't check the box that said "wise"... :D...  [Read More]
Thank you for clarifying your point. It seems that we are in agreement here. I would add that I continue to hold some hope that from time to time some people do become unsatisfied with "answers" that don't add up. Granted the people that a...  [Read More]
I would agree that you are right to be skeptical in many cases. I would however argue that there are many people that are persuaded by facts and logic and rational arguments. To state otherwise might be to suggest that atheism "just happens"...  [Read More]
In my experience the historical tale of Jesus has very little to do with people's belief in Jesus as God. Were you intending to address the latter, you'd have to look at how they were originally convinced (I'm not sure convinced is quite the right wo...  [Read More]
Posted in: "Attacker Told Me 'No Decency, No God'"
 Samuel Dravis
07-03-2008, 12:20 PM
It seems to me that the rapist is a purposefully ignorant person who simply doesn't care to look at anything beyond what will excuse his actions. At 47, his denial of "decency" as it were something necessarily connected with God is simply i...  [Read More]
Posted in: What was your first RPG?
 Samuel Dravis
07-13-2008, 1:18 AM
I played Zelda: Link's Awakening ( on one of those huge original Gameboys. If that doesn't count, I also played Final Fantasy Adventure (  [Read More]
Posted in: Brains
 Samuel Dravis
06-23-2008, 3:02 AM
OH! I get it. You're making a zombie reference, aren't you? You think that I am a zombie. Well, I am happy to announce that I am not, in fact, a zombie! But I might look like one if I stay up much longer. Which will probably occur. In your dream...  [Read More]
Posted in: jesus christ
 Samuel Dravis
07-06-2008, 11:56 PM
This is why I love RD. <3...  [Read More]
Posted in: The Webcomics and Webtoons Thread!
 Samuel Dravis
07-15-2008, 11:47 AM
minus. ( is a good comic, I like the art style...  [Read More]
Posted in: Very good things! *keep it clean* (big images)
 Samuel Dravis
07-21-2008, 10:22 PM
#3860 I really loved Niyaz's first album and still listen to it quite a lot, so getting this one is rather exciting! :D...  [Read More]
Posted in: Very good things! *keep it clean* (big images)
 Samuel Dravis
07-18-2008, 10:47 PM
That's some pretty sweet cards you've got there, Rhett. Nice! :D...  [Read More]
Posted in: Very good things! *keep it clean* (big images)
 Samuel Dravis
07-14-2008, 3:52 PM
Such a kickass album, although I must say it's rare to find a guy admit to enjoying/buying Rob Thomas music. Way to go. :pIndeed. >_> <_< Nothing to see here, move along! :D Matchbox 20 Owns. Rob Thomas solo, however, is simply okay....  [Read More]
Posted in: Very good things! *keep it clean* (big images)
 Samuel Dravis
07-13-2008, 1:28 AM
Yes.... PRINCE ALI, MIGHTY IS HE! <3 Also got two more Brahms collections. Brahms is awesome. Just look at that beard! http://img516.i...  [Read More]
Posted in: Very good things! *keep it clean* (big images)
 Samuel Dravis
07-07-2008, 11:03 PM
IG, that is so awesome that I very nearly can't stand being without a personal Wall-E any longer. Where did you get it! :D...  [Read More]
Posted in: Very good things! *keep it clean* (big images)
 Samuel Dravis
06-28-2008, 12:14 AM
#3688 Uh, yes, well, it's Pratchett! <3 You can never be too old for Ninja Turtles. Even if involves listening to 80's music....  [Read More]
Posted in: Very good things! *keep it clean* (big images)
 Samuel Dravis
06-24-2008, 3:42 AM
#3662  [Read More]
Posted in: Very good things! *keep it clean* (big images)
 Samuel Dravis
06-21-2008, 10:09 PM
#3628  [Read More]
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