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Posted in: All nighter spin-off: The All Nighter's Fight Club
07-01-2002, 8:18 AM
OOC: Bobo Fart!!!!!! Read all of the thread before you post. I'm starting to get a little tired of posts that don't quite fit. For starters a fight must be organised. Secondly, your the only one in the fight club at the moment. And also a fight does...  [Read More]
Posted in: All nighter spin-off: The All Nighter's Fight Club
06-30-2002, 9:57 PM
[Sign on wall just as you enter 'The All Nighter's Fight Club'] ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------- ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------- The All Nighter's F...  [Read More]
Posted in: All nighter spin-off: The Hunt for Donga
07-01-2002, 9:33 PM
Cliff sits back in his chair. "Ah nothing like dirty old scum bag drawing bars I say" he mumbles to himself. He orders a drink from the service droid. He looks around the bar himself. Nothing too unusual. He spreads himself out and kicks ba...  [Read More]
Posted in: All nighter spin-off: The Hunt for Donga
07-01-2002, 8:52 AM
IC: Cliff nods his head. He goes into the back room and drops off his weapons. On his way back he stops by at the obese mans cell. "Well well well, this looks like its it for you, fat man. I may not have gotten everything I want but I'll come b...  [Read More]
Posted in: All nighter spin-off: The Hunt for Donga
06-30-2002, 11:23 AM
IC: Cliff gets up and walks to the droid. "What food ya got? I'm starving" "What ever you want Mr Brony" "Just get me something, I wanna be finished eating by the time your master gets back". The droid zooms off to get...  [Read More]
Posted in: The All Nighter - Anti-Grav Dance Club/Bar
07-06-2002, 9:41 AM
IC: A young character walks into the bar, he looks around at first and then sits down at one of the nearest tables. After awhile he starts to get worried.. He walks over to the Bartender. "I'm looking for someone" "Aren't we all?"...  [Read More]
Posted in: The All Nighter - Anti-Grav Dance Club/Bar
07-01-2002, 8:05 AM
OOC: Sorry about the double posting but for some reason it posted the same post twice so now I have edited it to another post which I was going to do only edit it in the first one. Ah well, confusing. IC: Raelor steps aside as some of the Boss' work...  [Read More]
Posted in: The All Nighter - Anti-Grav Dance Club/Bar
07-01-2002, 8:04 AM
OOC: Bobo Fart I suggest that you thoroughly read the rest of the thread. That way you would know that Ashard is Niris and Varens last names. And also Niris is not the bouncer to the fight club, its Raelor. And yes, Niris is knocked out for the time...  [Read More]
Posted in: The All Nighter - Anti-Grav Dance Club/Bar
06-30-2002, 10:01 PM
OOC: Bobo Fart, Niris didn't know where his brother and Thew were heading, no one did, but what the hell, its done now. Also could you make another character thats not jedi if you want to hang around the All Nighter. Incase you didn't pick it up. Thi...  [Read More]
Posted in: The All Nighter - Anti-Grav Dance Club/Bar
06-30-2002, 11:12 AM
IC: A gruff looking Toydarian flaps his way into the club. He heads straight for the meeting room. Niris steps in his way, "Where do you think your going?" "Get outta my way fool, its me, Gredo. I've got the signs ready for the Boss&qu...  [Read More]
Posted in: The All Nighter - Anti-Grav Dance Club/Bar
06-29-2002, 11:03 PM
OOC: Ok I'm back, sorry about the delay but here it is. It will probably be a long post so bare with it. IC: The Bartender slow creeps back to his bar, hoping that no one would notice he had laid in the back room for a few minutes weeping. He looks...  [Read More]
Posted in: The All Nighter - Anti-Grav Dance Club/Bar
06-28-2002, 11:22 PM
OOC: Ok, I'm going to do a few things tomoro morning... In about 10 hours. Firstly I'll introduce a new character into the scene, the BOSS. He's the guy that owns the bar. He'll also bring forth another installment into the bar. This new installment...  [Read More]
Posted in: The All Nighter - Anti-Grav Dance Club/Bar
06-28-2002, 10:43 AM
OOC: To everyone out there, the bar is now back open. Feel free to go in and help clean up or whatever. But the brawl is over, all are welcomed....  [Read More]
Posted in: The All Nighter - Anti-Grav Dance Club/Bar
06-28-2002, 8:32 AM
OOC: Sorry for the wait Dud but I went to sleep. Goddamn different time zones. IC: The young man holsters his blasters and runs for the door. On his way out he barges the bouncer who takes a shot at the bounty hunter. Due to the barging, the shot mi...  [Read More]
Posted in: The All Nighter - Anti-Grav Dance Club/Bar
06-27-2002, 11:11 AM
OOC: Redwing and Thew Rydur, can you's please stay out of this brawl please. I'm not holding anything against you, its just that we have enough 'brawlers/patrons' in here as is. So if you's want you's can wait outside until we finish this mess... Ta...  [Read More]
Posted in: The All Nighter - Anti-Grav Dance Club/Bar
06-26-2002, 9:57 PM
IC: The young man jumps to his feet. Two blasts at a stormtrooper nearby the bounty hunter are placed with great marksmanship towards the chest. He flips the nearest table and crouches behind the wreckage. He looks across to the bounty hunter reachin...  [Read More]
Posted in: The All Nighter - Anti-Grav Dance Club/Bar
06-26-2002, 7:55 PM
OOC: So what did you do to my character? He knocked out or something? I sorta need to know before I can do anything else....  [Read More]
Posted in: The All Nighter - Anti-Grav Dance Club/Bar
06-26-2002, 9:31 AM
OOC: Certainly some action going on now. I like, I like. IC:The young man looks deeply at the obese mans face. Then suddenly a flashback hits him, and hits him hard. Images of his fellow crew mates, his father, his best friend and his best friends f...  [Read More]
Posted in: The All Nighter - Anti-Grav Dance Club/Bar
06-24-2002, 10:19 PM
OOC: Dud, if you could, just play are your character. So instead of all the you and your, it would be, he and they etc. Do you get me? IC: The young man looks also looks around at the stormtroopers quickly flooding to each exit. "Nah, I think I...  [Read More]
Posted in: The All Nighter - Anti-Grav Dance Club/Bar
06-24-2002, 6:43 PM
OOC: That was excellent Dud. Hmmm I see what you mean about ruining RoyalGuards post. Ok new rule/fact/thingy: when ever someone says "SOMETIME HAS PASSED" think of it as a hole in time. That way, people's posts won't be destroyed by the d...  [Read More]
Posted in: The All Nighter - Anti-Grav Dance Club/Bar
06-24-2002, 4:21 PM
IC: A Twi'lek and Human working for the Alliance notice the young man in brown. They go outside, talk for a bit, then take him away in a hurry. OOC: Sorry but my character has more story to this but this wouldn't be the right place to post it so I'l...  [Read More]
Posted in: OOC: RPing Club
06-24-2002, 6:48 PM
Yeh yous do INVADE us. Nah mostly its our younger brothers or sisters. Hey talking about chicks. I aint... in a while ... I mean.... uh... ah... I'm going now....  [Read More]
Posted in: OOC: RPing Club
06-24-2002, 6:23 PM
Ah I see. 15 eh? Yeh we got heapsa people your age invading our parties now. In Maryborough here, theres atleast 3 parties every weekend so ya can never go wrong. Hey lets not forget the XXXX. You can't get anymore aussie then the 4 X's...  [Read More]
Posted in: OOC: RPing Club
06-24-2002, 6:14 PM
Yeh they will come, they will come... guuuuuuuuuysssss, yous coming????? VB?!?!?!? What were you on drugs?????????????? XXXX ALL THE WAY! BTW. How old are you Bobo Fart? To have ya first VB in QLD or was it under age like the majority. Unfortuna...  [Read More]
Posted in: OOC: RPing Club
06-24-2002, 6:00 PM
G'Day Mate... Sorry, I thought it all appropriate to use some good ol' aussie slang. I'm from Maryborough, no not the one near Melbourne but the one in Queensland, land of the sun. Yeh I agree, a lot more civilized here than at JKO but I fear less p...  [Read More]
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