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Posted in: Will JK2 run on a Voodoo 5?
04-07-2002, 3:23 AM
I actually came here to let you people know that you can run this game properly if you use wickedgl, i was forced to find a way when i found that the game wont load past the cutscene with dessan and luke fighting, now i already had quake3 installed r...  [Read More]
Posted in: Will JK2 run on a Voodoo 5?
04-07-2002, 3:09 AM
This makes me so angry all those people saying how slow and old voodoo 5's are, there the idiots that are running or have seen 1 on slow as 800mhz system im running an athlon 1.333 @1.5ghz and 256meg cas2 ddr ram and im getting 2700 on 3dmark 2001 i...  [Read More]
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