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Con. Snake

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Posted in: Quick Question
 Con. Snake
04-27-2002, 5:51 PM
Bump diddly doo...  [Read More]
Posted in: Quick Question
 Con. Snake
04-27-2002, 1:53 PM
I was wondering exactly what size the Units(Squares) in JK2Radiant equate to ingame. I.E. Does one square in JK2Radient = 1 inch ingame, or 1 foot, or something else?...  [Read More]
Posted in: 1st person view with saber in MP
 Con. Snake
04-21-2002, 3:11 PM
Mommy I hate the zoo, all the monkeys are acting stupid and crazy....  [Read More]
if you dont like the thread and consider it whining: DONT ANSWER. Logic continues to elude this forum I see. See, The thing is, when Raven goes looking for **** to put in the patch, if no one but the few people that agreed with this were posting, Rav...  [Read More]
I see the "Dodge and Counter Attack" concept still eludes you even after many attempts by the smarter board members to explain it to you. To be honest, I just stand there idle when a saber is thrown at me - by just standing there, it deflec...  [Read More]
Please....  [Read More]
Posted in: Jan or Tavion.
 Con. Snake
04-17-2002, 6:33 AM
I play as a Rodian almost exclusively, but on the rare occasion I want to use a different model I use Jan - Because(atleast to me) she looks like Lara Croft from behind :D Or Mon Mothma if I wanna embarrass someone :)...  [Read More]
Posted in: Blastech DL -44 (Han Solos Blaster)??
 Con. Snake
04-16-2002, 12:20 AM
From what I understand, the flas suppresser was something they put on the gun to make it look more futuristic and cool in the movies, and didn't actually function as a FS in the movies....  [Read More]
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