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Posted in: duel_academy map release...
04-25-2002, 3:05 PM
well when I made this map, my only real intention was to: 1. see how the editor worked and what I could do with it 2. make a map that didn't have pits or holes in the middle that you keep getting stuck in. 3. have a map that let you train/play in th...  [Read More]
Posted in: duel_academy map release...
04-25-2002, 12:43 PM
well the map has been done for two days now, but I was hoping for some help with adding bot support, however that help never came. I've tried emailing Raven, and posting on several forums for help, but nothing usable was ever offered. so I'm releas...  [Read More]
Posted in: my new home
04-25-2002, 12:36 PM
*looks around* really spacious, lots of room to grow I like it hehehehe the purple one...  [Read More]
Posted in: adding bot support to maps?
04-24-2002, 6:33 PM
does anyone have any idea how to create support for bots into the maps? I can make a map and have it totally usable, but the bots just sit there doing level 3 force jumps in every direction. any help would be greatly appreciated. oh, and I've trie...  [Read More]
Territo wrote: Well obviously the person who doesn't have the shields and bacta tank can still win but the point is it would be better if it was absolutely fair. I don't really mind it that much because I can beat almost anyone in dueling but when yo...  [Read More]
hope you realize you're contradicting yourself. obviously in that case it's not about the better saberist but who spent more time picking up powerups. not at all, there's only a contradiction when someone else puts their own fatalism into my stateme...  [Read More]
ummmmmm FFA isn't supposed to be fair, it's supposed to be survival of the fittest. I don't think raven put in the saber challenge to let people have "fair" fights during FFA, it's just a way to still be able to saber against one other per...  [Read More]
well as mean as this may sound, you DO have the option to fight back with an effective tool, by choosing not to use saber throw, you are the one creating the imbalance. the options are there for you to use, if someone else is allocating their foce po...  [Read More]
If someone can name me one way to counter somebody who can roll away and never let you catch them, explain it to me because I must be missing something. Some of you are just blind fools that can't see how horribly balanced saber throw is without ot...  [Read More]
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