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Posted in: Jade Empire modding (see first post for info summary)
06-20-2008, 3:56 AM
sorry, no spanish also. I like that Sky looks like Zu, because Sky is the only one I can romance and I do not like him. I am working with Appereance-file but there are some problems. I do not know where I can change the fighting stile, the shown name...  [Read More]
Posted in: Jade Empire modding (see first post for info summary)
06-13-2008, 10:56 PM
Hello! Is there a way to change the skins of Sky and Zu? I know there is no way for a mod to romance Zu, but if I only have the choice to take sky than I prefer if he do not looks like an idiot it is enough he talks like one... If there is a way, p...  [Read More]
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