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I don't understand why no one has commented on this... Being busy, I guess, would be the reason, but this is such a good ending! I'm not sure why you posted the ending before you got into the story properly, lol, but it is still brilliant, nonetheles...  [Read More]
Posted in: Burnseyy's Poetry
10-18-2008, 2:17 PM
Another double post. Gawd, I'm terrible. :xp: Childhood I saw the clouds passing over, covering yet another chapter of my life. Hiding my past from my memory, Letting me forget all that strife. Time has passed, never to return, Running away with...  [Read More]
Posted in: Burnseyy's Poetry
10-18-2008, 5:16 AM
I see I've made people question "Secret" :xp: it IS a very vague poem, and could mean all manner of things, but the intention is what I described under it. The 'isolation' isn't literal, by the way, and the line "dirty little secret&qu...  [Read More]
Posted in: Burnseyy's Poetry
10-16-2008, 3:55 PM
Well, really, it was about feeling insane, not about being insane. And there's a lot more to the poem, than what first meets the eye. I'm vague with poems, I let the reader try to guess, but never give away ALL of the information. :) The person in...  [Read More]
Posted in: Burnseyy's Poetry
10-16-2008, 3:41 PM
Double posting *le gasp* Secret I smile, tears glistening, I smirk, knowing. I can't help but laugh, A moment of self doubt before I crash. No one knows, and This open isolation feels perfect. Hiding behind doors, Under the floor, Looking aroun...  [Read More]
Posted in: Burnseyy's Poetry
10-15-2008, 12:49 PM
I like what you have hear. They are, quite impressive in the way where you can express something so tragic and deep, and convey that through words and still let it loose none of its potency. Thirteenth Day of the Second Month: This one reminded me o...  [Read More]
Posted in: Burnseyy's Poetry
10-14-2008, 5:11 PM
Thanks all you lovely commenters. :D There's nothing I like more than knowing people like what I'm writing. The frame around the white Is blocking out my strife... Or so I wish it had, once I walked. My hand placed delicately Upon her head, whi...  [Read More]
Posted in: Burnseyy's Poetry
10-13-2008, 4:38 PM
Ohh, well now I understand. :xp: I don't think my poetry's amazing - I like some, but definitely not all. Place of Ghosts Neon glow- It pierces through The cones of salt Compressing the emerald To a halt. Silent whispers are Haunting the stree...  [Read More]
Posted in: Burnseyy's Poetry
10-13-2008, 8:26 AM
That's what I don't like about society - anything weird or out of your comfort zone, and it's "wrong" or shouldn't be said. Either way, thanks for the comments, compliments and time. :] Happier ones will be on their way, but I advise that...  [Read More]
Posted in: Burnseyy's Poetry
10-12-2008, 8:11 AM
I take it you've read the definition of depressing? Those were both very good! :D I like the first one better than the second. I'm actually learning about any kind of mental disorder, being a Psychology student. :xp: It's expected. Thank you. :)...  [Read More]
Posted in: Burnseyy's Poetry
10-11-2008, 7:06 PM
Finally, the creative trio is complete! Art, prose and poetry. Aren't you all glad? :xp: That's rhetorical, don't answer... Anyway, I decided to just do my own poetry thread, and put a few of my favourite poems in. Here are a couple now: Nostalgic...  [Read More]
Posted in: Bastilla: Like her or hate her
10-13-2008, 5:42 PM
I voted for 'Meh, she's okay' solely because... well, her character's all round good, except for when she starts going dark side. She yaps on for a bit (understatement?) at the start about 'ohh darkside is bad' and then she just drops this bombshell...  [Read More]
Posted in: Prior to Exile
10-18-2008, 5:45 AM
Read chapter two. Ah, this feels familiar - I'm behind on reading, because you're just so quick at writing the chapters! Keep it up. :) I'm sure you've read all of the 'mistakes' above, so I won't go into it. Instead, I want to say how you've really...  [Read More]
Posted in: Prior to Exile
10-11-2008, 4:56 PM
Wow, I didn't even know you'd posted another story... That's how busy I've been lately! Or just how blind I've been. :^: I think this is brilliant! Definitely has that pre-war atmosphere to it... and it's kind of sad how the exile started out not wa...  [Read More]
Posted in: Favorite K1 romance?
10-16-2008, 4:14 PM
I'd say male Revan & Bastila. Yes, I'm aware that that's not the female romance. >_> but it was the best one in K1....  [Read More]
Posted in: BFA's Poetical Place for Poetical Things
10-18-2008, 6:58 AM
Wow, LOVED the last two poems. They were just so... poetic! :xp: (I know, that's the worst compliment to give to a poem). I especially liked the latter... and especially liked these stanzas within that poem: 'No sight will escape her gaze, The noctu...  [Read More]
Posted in: BFA's Poetical Place for Poetical Things
10-16-2008, 2:37 PM
Bravo! Bravo! (If I knew a clapping smilie I'd put it.) :) This one is definitely one of my favourites by you. Definitely envokes emotion, and in such a simple theme/structure too. And yes, yes, it is true Endorenna... me and BFA have issues. :xp: B...  [Read More]
Posted in: BFA's Poetical Place for Poetical Things
10-13-2008, 4:01 PM
Sorry I haven't really commented on any of these poems - busy times, busy times. :) Got to say, love Silence is a Friend - one of the better ones up there. Keep it up BFA! :D...  [Read More]
Posted in: BFA's Poetical Place for Poetical Things
09-14-2008, 7:27 AM
At least you can read your drunken writing. I wrote a poem once when I was drunk and the next day I tried to read it... it was simply unreadable lol. But the bits I could read were terribly written anyway!...  [Read More]
Posted in: A Soul Adrift
09-19-2008, 7:43 PM
Very unexpected ending, there, with her uncle shooting her. That was just cruel of him :xp: . I loved the fight scenes, and the slow moving calmness between them. It created a sort of 'hopelessness' for Taisan’kye, I think, and that reflected...  [Read More]
Posted in: A Soul Adrift
09-13-2008, 11:31 AM
Interesting start here - never read anything quite like it. And it's your first? I didn't think it sounded like a first - it was quite good. Some people have written some awful fics, out there ;) don't worry about it, at all. I look forward to futur...  [Read More]
Posted in: The Huntress
09-14-2008, 3:28 PM
I didn't notice this comment - oops. Anyway, thanks for the feedback! I figured everything Mira said in K2 needed a little more depth in explanation, so I put in a few ideas... :^: also, Hutts always seemed dim and funny in my head, so I had to writ...  [Read More]
Posted in: The False Peace
10-18-2008, 7:04 AM
This made me laugh :lol: I plan on finishing off the other half of the chapter... sometime. Perhaps today. But what I've read so far is very promising. :) Can't wait to read more! And hope you're alright now... never had food poisining or whatever,...  [Read More]
Posted in: The False Peace
09-27-2008, 6:40 PM
Ooh, this chapter was veeeery interesting... Nakaya was soo trying to hug Jacen so she could nick the chip. :¬: unless it's a set up! And the chip is false. dun dun dunnnn. Loved Gina's little entrance there. :xp: reminded me of HK a bit, with...  [Read More]
Posted in: The False Peace
09-19-2008, 3:15 PM
I saw this, and though 'OMG HES UPDATED!' only to be let down with a... a... A summary. *shudder* Jokes aside, I can't wait... especially since I know a little about why the chapter is named such. ;)...  [Read More]
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