Note: LucasForums Archive Project
The content here was reconstructed by scraping the Wayback Machine in an effort to restore some of what was lost when LF went down. The LucasForums Archive Project claims no ownership over the content or assets that were archived on

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The 11th Letter

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Hi, I've been trying to use KSE on TSL and it says it has been saved correctly, but when I load the game nothing has been changed. Any idea why this is? I was having the same problem with mine. I figured out what was causing the problem, it was my a...  [Read More]
Hmm...well, I think I know how to fix your "read only" problem. I had to do this to enable cheats. Right click the folder, go to properties, then permissions, and give your user full permission. Vista doesn't do this automatically like XP....  [Read More]
Have you been running KSE (and KOTOR) as an administrator? That solves 90% of Vista's problems. ;) Yep. I just double checked to make sure and it's still the same problem. It's just strange as hell how it was working fine yesterday and now it's not...  [Read More]
Just tried turning off Read-only and tried again, still doesn't work. But when I open the file again in KSE, the stats are how I left thm, they're just not showing in the game. I'm having the same problem. I used KSE v.333 to edit a saved game. I us...  [Read More]
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