Note: LucasForums Archive Project
The content here was reconstructed by scraping the Wayback Machine in an effort to restore some of what was lost when LF went down. The LucasForums Archive Project claims no ownership over the content or assets that were archived on

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Posted in: x360 controller triggers don't bind
06-21-2007, 3:47 AM
Didn't feel like I should just start up a new thread first post and all. So, I decided to post my issue in here. I recently picked up a Wireless gaming receiver and a 360 controller. Mostly for enhancing the Psychonauts experience. Except I find tha...  [Read More]
Posted in: Express your hate for the final level
06-21-2007, 3:50 AM
I had issues with certain jumping sections of the game. It nearly caused me to break my keyboard. I think I broke my space bar, though. It's been less responsive since......  [Read More]
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