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Posted in: Kotor 2: stuck in Ebon Hawk!
12-10-2006, 1:08 PM
Ahh...... I just re-read it, and you said you don't have the original game anymore??? That is probably the problem. yeah, i seen other posts here and they all get the same run the game from cd when any problems pops up! but i just got kotor...  [Read More]
Posted in: Kotor 2: stuck in Ebon Hawk!
12-09-2006, 8:30 PM
It's the Mods in the X-Box, more than likely, I'm not the X-Box modding expert.... I don't mod my X-box, nor my X-Box 360, so I don't know.... but if you want my opinion.... it is the Mods, like mods "corrupt" the PC version of the game P....  [Read More]
Posted in: Kotor 2: stuck in Ebon Hawk!
12-09-2006, 1:28 PM
hi,and sorry if there's aready a post like this one! But here's my problem: I'm stuck in Ebon Hawk, after the secret jedi place on telos... And i have suddenly a new girl in my ship? one of the handmaidens! Now all i can do is talk to the handmaiden...  [Read More]
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