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Anakin Skywalker

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Posted in:  Turn HK-47 into HK-50
 Anakin Skywalker
11-19-2006, 5:08 PM
Well as the name suggests this turns HK-47's apperance to HK-50.... it doesn't change HK-50's apperance *yet.* You can get it here (this is the info page, but can download it from here.) (;6212115;;/fileinfo....  [Read More]
This is my first Fic so please don't be too harsh Star Wars The History of Jedi Knight Zulaan Quxion's Lightsaber After the destruction of Darth Lilieo, the Dark Lord of the Sith, a family of humans gave their only son to the Jedi Order. His name w...  [Read More]
Posted in:  Dark Lord Party Time!
 Anakin Skywalker
11-03-2006, 7:12 PM
#1 This will change almost ALL party members into Dark Lords, except Kriea, the Handmaiden, the Disciple, T3-M4, G0-T0, or HK-47. A suprise awaits you when you find "Bao-Dur"...  [Read More]
Posted in: Halloween Project
 Anakin Skywalker
10-30-2006, 8:42 PM
I'm trying to make a Halloween Mod.... but i need a crew, more than likely it'll be a project. If you would like to help, I don't have all the Details yet but if you'd like to help then please tell me!...  [Read More]
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