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FuzzyDice Chick

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Page: 6 of 6
Posted in: YAY! for things offtopic!
 FuzzyDice Chick
09-18-2006, 10:20 PM
Who likes pizza? I do! We should have an all you can eat here on the internet!This thred is for people who like offtopic things! FuzzyDice Chick rules! :) :) :) :) :twogun: :)...  [Read More]
Posted in: Pirates VS Ninjas, who'd win?
 FuzzyDice Chick
09-18-2006, 10:15 PM
The Princess of rearvisionmoirrorland FuzzyDice is bord! I'm starting a new thred! :) :) :)...  [Read More]
Posted in: Pirates VS Ninjas, who'd win?
 FuzzyDice Chick
09-18-2006, 8:26 PM
Ninjas! The cheez :)may reck but it still tasts nice! Yes Cats r so so so cute! And thankyou for:) welcomeing me. I think :)thats a woud?!?!? Yes smiles in rendom:) places :) rock! Sorry I know it's alittle off topic. Hey I'm starting a new thread wh...  [Read More]
Posted in: Pirates VS Ninjas, who'd win?
 FuzzyDice Chick
09-18-2006, 7:13 PM
Thankyou, Darth Ave. And Halo_92 St. Jimmy told me Jmac was a guy, I feel really dumb. Sorry Jmac. But thanks Halo_92 for telling me anyway. I am FuzzyDice Chick hear me roar! :)...  [Read More]
Posted in: Pirates VS Ninjas, who'd win?
 FuzzyDice Chick
09-18-2006, 5:53 PM
Yes, thanks that would be awsome! And don't worry I don't get what he means either. Need help:) :clap2: :afro1: :emodanc: :guitar2 :monkey4: :3pdance: :shads3: :violin:...  [Read More]
Posted in: Pirates VS Ninjas, who'd win?
 FuzzyDice Chick
09-18-2006, 8:10 AM
So what kinda stuff do you draw on the edge of you home work? I draw wierd animals, you know stuff thats compltly off the top of you head? I am FuzzyDice Chick hear me roar!...  [Read More]
Posted in: Pirates VS Ninjas, who'd win?
 FuzzyDice Chick
09-18-2006, 12:24 AM
Sorry. You said I was from some weird place and I really was not sure what you were talking about. So do you guys like art? what's you favorite medium? I am FuzzyDice Chick hear me roar! :clap2: :clap2: :guitar1 :emodanc: :afro1: :band1 :violin:...  [Read More]
Posted in: Pirates VS Ninjas, who'd win?
 FuzzyDice Chick
09-17-2006, 11:46 PM
Umm.. yes I'm from Australia. Where are you guys from? And I can't understand the chick with the blue hair. what's She saying? I am FuzzyDice Chick hear me roar!...  [Read More]
Posted in: Pirates VS Ninjas, who'd win?
 FuzzyDice Chick
09-17-2006, 11:00 PM
Hi! I'm new to LucasForums. I'm friends with St. Jimmy. He told me about here And I just HAD to check it out! So, you're talking about art I see. I LOVE art. I enter comps ALL the time! My favorite medium would have to be charcoals and drawing. I...  [Read More]
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