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Mikael XII

Latest Activity

Posted in: Giving Help For Whole Game!
 Mikael XII
08-06-2006, 5:30 AM
Ok, i have had enough of frustration with this. As much as i would like to finnish this game, i will not sit here and go insane over the freaking stupid, cursed damn, acrobatic level (think that is nr 4). So i will be contained with being able to rea...  [Read More]
Posted in: Giving Help For Whole Game!
 Mikael XII
08-05-2006, 2:00 PM
I MIGHT need help with the Meatcircus level. I get so frustrated, have come this far but this is hellish. That little boy dies on me :( Great game though, even though i feel it is sad that it seems that this is the way adventuregames are gonna be i...  [Read More]