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John Galt

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Posted in: Sex sells
 John Galt
08-10-2007, 9:02 PM
Its a proven fact that sex DOES sell, and as long as they're not breaking any laws (actual or ethical), I'm perfectly okay with whatever marketing techniques companies use to sell their products....  [Read More]
Posted in: Study finds twist in human evolution
 John Galt
08-08-2007, 10:52 PM
I'd say this find lends more credibility to evolutionary theory, if anything. Shows that the "impossible odds" argument that creationists tend to use isn't actually all that relevant, as the evolutionary path isn't a straight line....  [Read More]
Posted in: The Second Amendment
 John Galt
08-05-2007, 2:00 AM
Guns are exactly the same, their purpose depends entirely on the gun in question. What do you do with a 50 cal sniper rifle? You blow people's heads off. You don't go deer hunting. No, .50's are perfectly good deer rifles. Not .50 BMG, except under...  [Read More]
Posted in: The Second Amendment
 John Galt
08-02-2007, 9:05 PM
So I ask, if hunting with said gun would be a waste, and home defense with such guns are going to be ineffective or entirely excessive, WHY do you need to own an operational one? That's why I specified "with license and training." I don't...  [Read More]
Posted in: The Second Amendment
 John Galt
08-02-2007, 8:07 PM
Or perhaps more accurately people used that vagueness to find loopholes that allowed them to own weapons that were overkill. But what, exactly, constitutes overkill? I don't think current gun laws, with their protectionist regulations and stupid lo...  [Read More]
Posted in: The Second Amendment
 John Galt
08-01-2007, 4:23 PM
The Second Amendment to the US constitution reads A well regulated militia being necessary to the security of a free State, the right of the People to keep and bear arms shall not be infringed. What, in your opinion is " A well regulated mil...  [Read More]
Posted in: When does media sensationalism go too far?
 John Galt
08-05-2007, 2:12 AM
Sometimes I wonder if most of the celebrity/pop-culture "news" is put out there just to keep peoples' minds off important things... But I just bought 6 more books today, including a copy of the 9/11 Comission Report, so I'm not overly conc...  [Read More]
Posted in: When does media sensationalism go too far?
 John Galt
07-27-2007, 10:44 PM
*shrug* It's a 100+ year old American tradition. The media basically started the Spanish-American war, with the whole "remember the Maine" thing. They wield far, far too much power, and they've established a cartel-like clamp on information...  [Read More]
Its their choice. I dislike censorship, but it is, in the end, the corporation's decision....  [Read More]
Posted in: Wal Mart: The Evil Empire
 John Galt
07-29-2007, 12:09 AM
I consider fascism to be a disease among both left and right-wing governments. Fascism is a specific ultra-right wing ideology. Source: Authoritarianism, however, is a problem among both left and right-wing gov...  [Read More]
Everyone has an ax to grind, remember that. Of course, it seems as if some time in the last few years journalists have forgotten how to put the ax-grinding on hold for a bit, and are more than content to tell us what they think we ought to think, ins...  [Read More]
practically everything mentioned is authorized in the Constitution while we're at war! Source? "Practically everything" still leaves "something" that violates the constitution. I'd call that grounds for impeachment, or at least...  [Read More]
In general, I think the term "Surge" is pointless. They got some reinforcements, of course operations will be more effective. Maybe things will finally start to quieten down over there. @Garfield- What's wrong with Ron Paul? I thought he f...  [Read More]
Posted in: Marijuana: Should it be legalized?
 John Galt
07-04-2007, 2:11 AM
I think that the entire war on drugs is unconstitutional. People should, in the end, be able to choose what they put into their bodies. The drugs that are now illegal were far, far less a problem in the late 19th century when they were legal and regu...  [Read More]
Posted in: Smoking Banned in England
 John Galt
07-04-2007, 1:49 AM
Losing freedoms, however useless, one by one. The government has no place in peoples homes or businesses. these bans should be voluntary, in my opinion....  [Read More]
The problem is that most people don't even KNOW Iran is a democracy, so I'm aiming for shock value here. Bah, the people of Iran do nothing more than elect the theocracy's mouthpiece. Hopefully there'll be another bloody revolution, but this is unli...  [Read More]
Posted in: Pornography (see first post before you post)
 John Galt
06-30-2007, 11:29 PM
It's a legitimate form of business as far as I'm concerned. Like all businesses they have to conform to certain guidelines, to prevent exploitation(which happens to some degree in ANY industry), and they should be expected to advertise in order to pr...  [Read More]
Posted in: Caffiene-The Legal Recreational Drug?
 John Galt
06-29-2007, 12:34 PM
Why? Because caffeine doesn't kill you (or isn't even particularly dangerous) unless you consume it in insane quantities; it is also a traditional part of English, and therefore American, culture(tea and coffee, respectively)....  [Read More]
... they are not inherently WORTH that much in any objective sense. Good point....  [Read More]
Who cares whether they "deserve" it or not. As long as people are willing to spend their money to see movies and sporting events, and buy sports and movie memorabilia the athletes, stars, celebs, etc. WILL be paid that much. AS long as the...  [Read More]
Posted in: Do you think the world will end in 2012?
 John Galt
06-27-2007, 7:50 PM
No, it won't....  [Read More]
Posted in: Chavez has lost his mind
 John Galt
06-28-2007, 12:26 PM
WHAT!?!?!.... I will kill him my self if he invades Colombia! We've suspected for years that Chavez has been supporting FARC guerrillas in Colombia with weapons....  [Read More]
Posted in: Chavez has lost his mind
 John Galt
06-27-2007, 8:08 PM
Chavez update: According to the FoxNews ticker(I'll objectively confirm/refute later), Hugo is visiting Moscow this week, who are welcoming him with open arms. The Russian government expects large-scale arms sales to Venezuela. EDIT: http://www.epis...  [Read More]
Posted in: The Theism/Atheism Discussion
 John Galt
07-18-2007, 2:04 PM
Why would anyone who hates God and the Bible first of all want to study the many years in the field to get a doctorate, much less spend an entire career on it, unless they have some kind of underlying agenda? It's those people I don't trust. I think...  [Read More]
Posted in: [REL]Holowan Plugin
 John Galt
07-05-2007, 10:58 PM
nice mod! one question: how does the darkkender's workstation work? I can't build any items except Jedi Robes and the HK47 components. I really would like to get at the clone trooper stuff, too....  [Read More]
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