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Posted in: What was your favorite Mods/Levels
11-07-2002, 8:47 PM
In an effort to keep this place alive. . .and because I love Jk I must ask. Please Post Favorite Mod(s) 1. 2. 3. Mine are Space Soldiers 3 by: SavageX Mantice Fried Chicken: By Mantice (I think) Glowsaber 3...  [Read More]
Posted in: Map Idea(s)
10-28-2002, 9:51 AM
I think it would be great if someone made some maps from Halo for JK2. I know some people are already making them for UT2K3, but it would be nice to have some of them for JK2, too. I would want to see a Blood Gulch and a Hang 'em High level at least,...  [Read More]
Posted in: Fremen Model...
10-22-2002, 8:51 PM
So, just ask around for someone to do it, because we have a lot of good modelers. (Not me, I don't model)...  [Read More]
Posted in: Fremen Model...
10-22-2002, 8:11 PM
People will flame the crap out of each other for five bucks, and you're offering 200.:disaprove...  [Read More]
Posted in: Fremen Model...
10-22-2002, 7:23 PM
Um, this belongs in the "Request" Forum. And 200 dollars? Most people would do it for free! EDIT: CRAP! We posted at the same time!...  [Read More]
Posted in: COWS possibly with guns
10-21-2002, 8:07 PM
Well, it would have to be an upright cow, like the one in Black and White....  [Read More]
Posted in: My new CTF Map...
10-15-2002, 7:43 PM
I can just see my framerate falling before my very eyes, even with my 1.4 ghz processor. If my comp can run this new sweet level OK, then I will be a happy camper.:D Keep up the good work!...  [Read More]
Posted in: jedi 2 problems at the artus mine
10-15-2002, 7:13 PM
If you are talking of Jedi Knight 2, click here (  [Read More]
Posted in: Dark Forces: JK 2
10-04-2002, 7:31 PM
I suggest getting SS3 and the Mantice Fried chicken mod.:)...  [Read More]
OOS: That'll only make it more confusing. Just don't do it again.:)...  [Read More]
*Sneaks up behind Redwing* May I help? *Kills one stormie with his vibro-shiv*...  [Read More]
*Meanwhile, Mahrrok lurks around in the shadows, and knifes an unsuspecting person in the back, then steals his things* *Group in the middle doesn't seem to notice, except Tyrion* I will take part in the story later, is that okay? I haven't role...  [Read More]
Posted in: Character data bank
10-03-2002, 9:50 PM
Name: Mahrrok A male Ithorian theif, and a good one too. Very stealthy even though he is not exactly small. Has a tatooed face, which is uncommon for Ithorians, which shows he is a renegade and has been exiled from Ithor. Not much is known about hi...  [Read More]
Posted in: New Forum
10-03-2002, 8:48 PM
. . .and if half of them even know how to roleplay:D...  [Read More]
Posted in: New Forum
10-03-2002, 7:59 PM
I wondered when was going to get an RP room. Lets hope it works out....  [Read More]
Posted in: Eets' Jawa Model Skinpack
10-06-2002, 2:28 PM
Maybe you can tinker with jedimod to make a Dathfergie Jawa: six feet high and w/ a lightsaber.:D...  [Read More]
Posted in: Beating Naboo Royal Crusaders
10-24-2002, 8:21 PM
If they catch you off guard, and you haven't got any mechs, then start building a mech factory right away and send your troopers out to get them. (Mounted troopers aren't all that good against troops). This will buy you some time (and possibly fight...  [Read More]
Posted in: K-Jo'Round
10-08-2002, 7:57 PM
^ Nope < RSN has over 1600 posts in theirs, lets set a new record! V Is a mod....  [Read More]
Posted in: Covenat Elite Finished:D
10-23-2002, 8:00 PM
That's ok. As long as you make the elite for JK2, I will be very happy.:)...  [Read More]
Posted in: Covenat Elite Finished:D
10-20-2002, 2:41 PM
I believe that they will release a model pack soon containing master chief after they are done with this model....  [Read More]
Posted in: Covenat Elite Finished:D
10-19-2002, 8:03 PM
My av? It's from one of the downloadable wallpapers for Black and White: Creature Isle on the official site. I can make one for you and put your name on it if you want....  [Read More]
Posted in: Covenat Elite Finished:D
10-19-2002, 3:00 PM
The shape looks nice, but I hope you are going to detial the leg armor so it looks real like the rest of the model.:)...  [Read More]
Posted in: Covenat Elite Finished:D
10-13-2002, 8:26 PM
Lookin' great! Nice to know that this model is still being done. :)...  [Read More]
Posted in: The Elite ring of Over-Posters
10-21-2002, 10:07 PM
Uh oh, I don't like the sound of this. . ....  [Read More]
Posted in: The Elite ring of Over-Posters
10-21-2002, 7:54 PM
Well, um, I just got to 1000 too now. So, do I get to be an overposter too? :sweat:...  [Read More]
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