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wahh. daddy can i go to your house? (parents devorced) My dad lets me play M-rated games(i wish I had resident Evil 4). My mom never watches me.They can't do much to me. i have an IQ of 125.... [Read More]
Oh yeah, like your mother? My aunt had a good time with her last Wednesday. she said it not me. And don't make fun of people's mothers. Even though I don't really care much about my parents she probably cares about her parents.... [Read More]
Nice, you're letting others control you. It's called Freedom, you poor clouded noob. She already hated Project Runway before she became a member. she said it was for gay losers.... [Read More]
instaed of letting this die, I'm gonna make an entirely new subject comepletely distant from kitty sora. New Topic:Celebrities we really hate, fear, or wish dead. I am afraid of Oprah Winfrey. I hate regis philbin along with every other talk show... [Read More]
Oh Psychocaos, SHE'S A TREKKIE!!!!!!!!!!! she's only kinda a trekkie. If she was a full-blown trekkie she 'd be so nerdy she would type her snort when she posts her laugh.... [Read More]
OH GOD MY STEPDAD'S IN THE HOSPITAL!!!! HE HAD A HEART ATTACK!! you posted it? shouldn't you be at the hospital by your stepdad's side or something like that?... [Read More]
They're in Africa or somthing. I don't know any egyptians. Hey Smon, do you remember if we ever finished Another RPG? Let's just pretent there was an atomic bomb. No you never really finished it. I read the entire thing. It is what inspired me to b... [Read More] The same goes for all your animes. Oh F%$# you. Haha. the dude's wearin pants on his head.... [Read More]
Okay, me today: ( That looks a little bit like a south park character.I Gotta go now.... [Read More]
hey psychocoas, look what i did: ( i tried that. it is hard. very hard. You are alot better at it. Danm unsteady hand.... [Read More]
^o^ Yay!!! She holds the record for fastest time to make friends. it took me a while. See my first thread [Read More]
you really believed that??? HAHAHAHA I GOT YOU GOOD!! Okay, i'll go put it away. Watch for the magic celebrity box. around this time Jennifer aniston hangs around it. don't remind her of Brad pitt. (this si some of the only pop-culture I know). I got... [Read More]
yes, but that was in a stage where i went from a kid to a teen. now, i'm a teen You're not a teen until you turn thirteen. You're just 11.... [Read More]
nah, he'd be better it he was shot, batered, fried and we made darth eat him. yah know, we should have a Daniel Vosivic hunting season. Heck, i'd even hunt then. I'll make a thread out of that.... [Read More]
Yeah, I may change it soon. Wait, are you THE Darth_Ave Zelda and Psychocoas told me to stay away from? Yes. Here's the reason. Darth hates anime/manga. We love it. Darth loves project runway. We hate it. Darth thinks Daniel vosovic is uber sexy. I t... [Read More]
Rioko heard a sound as he was walking to the GPC area. Rioko"Psychic Wave! The massive burst of psychic energy sent the person (who is Raz) crashing through the roof of a cabin. Raz: Yep. Thats rioko alright. Hello. Yunnie,Chloe, and Rose: Who a... [Read More]
I'll join. Rioko Age:12 He can see perfectly but has no pupils in his eyes. Black hair Powers: Everyone known to man. Family: Had a brother but he was killed by a mysteriuos person wearing a showercap and a claw. Personality:Considers all psychics e... [Read More]