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Nancy Allen``

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Page: 4 of 16
Posted in: The Second Amendment
 Nancy Allen``
08-01-2007, 10:46 PM
Well the police and military have that much more responsibility than everyone else, which means that in order to do their jobs safely they need to necessary tools, and that means they are expected to be supremely disciplined. Forget the SWAT movie, r...  [Read More]
Posted in: The Second Amendment
 Nancy Allen``
08-01-2007, 6:34 PM
In my opinion a well regulated militia is one that is capeable of defending it's country and it's citizens. That means no nukes, no ICBMs, weapons of that nature. Similarily the right to bear arms is something that had been restricted in other countr...  [Read More]
Posted in: Religion looms large over 2008 race
 Nancy Allen``
07-31-2007, 8:25 AM
Maybe America's had a gutful of...scratch that they have had a gutful of Bush, maybe the way he went on about religion will have voters look past attempts to use it for political point scoring. By the same token however Fox can stop the Obama bashin...  [Read More]
Posted in: Nifong verdict
 Nancy Allen``
07-27-2007, 8:26 AM
It's a crime to make a false report, and rightfully so. Something like this can destroy a person even if they're found innocent, someone who intentionally makes false statements like that should go down....  [Read More]
Posted in: Wal Mart: The Evil Empire
 Nancy Allen``
07-22-2007, 10:30 PM
Here's a few links, I'm not sure if what they say is the holy writ but it's enough to start asking questions. http://www.lizmichael...  [Read More]
Posted in: Wal Mart: The Evil Empire
 Nancy Allen``
07-22-2007, 10:09 PM
It wouldn't have anything to do with who makes the products at all would it? Sweat shops? Forced labour? Slavery?...  [Read More]
Posted in: Wal Mart: The Evil Empire
 Nancy Allen``
07-22-2007, 9:42 AM
Have you looked on the labels of a lot of items at their stores? Most of them are "made in America", and they make a big deal out of that, almost ad nauseum. Actually Wal Mart's importation had jumped from 5% in 1995 to 60% in 2005. Peopl...  [Read More]
Posted in: Wal Mart: The Evil Empire
 Nancy Allen``
07-20-2007, 9:06 PM
I'm wondering if anyone else is as sick and tired as I am over this virus that is killing off American business. We all know where most of the products come from, overseas and most likely from slave labor in Asia. Their products are never as good as...  [Read More]
Posted in: Should the Chambers and the Corner be merged?
 Nancy Allen``
07-17-2007, 9:24 AM
Which is why another forum was opened for similar discussion in the first place. Let people act like jerks elsewhere if they want to, a lot of people have no desire to become involved in the flame wars that typically occur but still wish to discuss s...  [Read More]
Nup. I've seen how the Senate operates, some of what goes on there would never be tolerated. To combine the two would be like putting Darth Vader and Mara Jade together. Not good....  [Read More]
Oh, I was aware of that much, just wasn't sure as to what degree the aborigines tried to engage in violent resistance to Euro encroachment. Please don't take this as gospal but I'll tell you what I know. To be fair there wouldn't be an Aboriginal mi...  [Read More]
Figure of speech. They should, and you can take this as you read it, those who want to harm others are to be prosecuted to the fullest extent of the law....  [Read More]
Isn't that a little hypocritical? The key diffirence being you wanting to do it, whether it's something you'd enjoy. I'm sure police officers hate the part of the job where they have to tell some poor kid's parents their son or daughter was killed o...  [Read More]
Alright. The Taliban were driven out from Afghanistan, whatever remnents were not able to drive out the liberating forces. Terrorism happens in the West and it's just as wrong as when the perpetrators are Al Qaeda. Who does what doesn't make it any m...  [Read More]
Are these things red herrings and do not apply because they are points of view that conflict with yours?...  [Read More]
What do you want to hear then?...  [Read More]
We did not "stomp a mudhole" in the taliban. They are still around. We may have succeeded in removing them from the gov't, but the organization still exists. And since when has any attempt at genocide been completely successful? The people...  [Read More]
It concerns me a great deal that I cannot think of a single instance in which a native, organized rebel force was successfully repressed by a foreign military with superior technology. I'm sure Nancy Allen might want to jump in with a star wars refer...  [Read More]
Were Governers Ventura and Schwarzenegger in on the plot to bring misery to the people of New Orleans as well? Just where does accountability end?...  [Read More]
And America thinks they have it bad. Criticising Christianity or Bush ishn't punishable by death the way it is in the Middle East....  [Read More]
Things may get to a point where what actors or athletes get paid are so outrageous that the sport or Hollywood simply wouldn't be able to support it. We see this happen all the time, sports teams who run into financial difficulty because of someone w...  [Read More]
Posted in: Mira Versus Bastila
 Nancy Allen``
07-19-2007, 9:12 AM
I propose they settle this by seeing how many Sith they can gut with their lightsabers. Much better....  [Read More]
Posted in: Mira Versus Bastila
 Nancy Allen``
07-18-2007, 8:54 AM
Hayden Christensen playing Jack Bauer for me, or Tony Almada....  [Read More]
Posted in: Mira Versus Bastila
 Nancy Allen``
07-18-2007, 8:39 AM
Here's one thing to remember, all you budding Revans. In some games you don't kiss Bastila, Bastila kisses you. To make out with someone she knows is a Sith Lord, someone she fought against at that, well wielding a double bladed sabre doesn't seem to...  [Read More]
Posted in: The Theism/Atheism Discussion
 Nancy Allen``
07-18-2007, 8:07 AM
You...I don't mean you directly, this is for can have every PhD, doctorette, whatever under the sun. That means squat without a little common sense....  [Read More]
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