Note: LucasForums Archive Project
The content here was reconstructed by scraping the Wayback Machine in an effort to restore some of what was lost when LF went down. The LucasForums Archive Project claims no ownership over the content or assets that were archived on

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Absolute worst? Well, I’ve bought a lot of computer games over the years and the worst is a game called “Seven Kingdoms II: The Fryhtan Wars”. The second worst game is “Total Annihilation”. The third worst game is “Fate of the Dragon” b...  [Read More]
I’ve never modded for an RTS game before, but I did for Unreal Tournament. It was fun, so who knows? I would like to see a Kotor and a Clone Wars mod. I don’t have the skills to make them myself yet, so I hope someone will though :)...  [Read More]
Posted in: Does the timeline go far enough?
01-07-2006, 2:17 PM
I voted for "yes". i think the timeline goes far enough. But, i think they should make at least 1 expansion where you can play as the trade federation and naboo etc. (so that the game begins by episode 1). and then a new expansion where yo...  [Read More]
Posted in: Does the timeline go far enough?
12-22-2005, 3:15 AM
StealthWar42, The original debate was whether or not the timeline goes far enough. I think it does, and I’m more then happy with everything that I’ve already seen in the game. I think there will at least be one expansion for this game which will...  [Read More]
Posted in: hell yea introduce yourself!
12-22-2005, 4:46 AM
My name is Calvin and I’m 25. I live in Denver, Colorado. I’m an oldbie from way back, but I haven’t kept the same screen name over the years. My old screen names are Polaris_Crd, CJ_Polaris, SilverStarSeven, NewFoundGlory, and Saving_Evanesco....  [Read More]
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