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The content here was reconstructed by scraping the Wayback Machine in an effort to restore some of what was lost when LF went down. The LucasForums Archive Project claims no ownership over the content or assets that were archived on

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St. Jimmy

Latest Threads

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Posted in: Hmm....
 St. Jimmy
08-23-2007, 7:36 AM
Where in the hell is that Ninja Appreciation Thread? I can't find it anywhere.......  [Read More]
Posted in: AAHHHH!!! What's up with that?!
 St. Jimmy
03-23-2007, 8:13 PM
What's up with all this crazy custom title changing/estrangerning? They've all changed! Smon? Mate? Fill me in?...  [Read More]
Posted in: Yes.......
 St. Jimmy
02-09-2007, 1:02 AM
*Pulls up a LaZ boy* So,... *opens a Dr. Pepper* What have you bitches been up to?...  [Read More]
Posted in: The Walrus said...
 St. Jimmy
12-08-2006, 2:46 AM
"The time has come," The Walrus said, "To speak of other things. Like shoes and ships and ceiling wax, and cabbages and kings! And while the sea is boiling bright, and weather pigs have wings, kaloo kalay we're off today! Like Cabbages...  [Read More]
 St. Jimmy
09-27-2006, 7:48 AM
Yes, it's true. I must away. I have to go on a Promotion course for Cadets. It goes for a week. But I'll be away for about 9-10 days. In fact I probably won't even be able to reply to this thread... *sniff* So, Das, if you're reading this, the sig is...  [Read More]
Posted in: The Crocodile Hunter accident!
 St. Jimmy
09-04-2006, 10:36 AM
Apparently He's huge over in America (people over here find him kind of annoying) But anyway If you guys don't already know, Steve Irwin (The Crocodile Hunter) Died today at the age of 44 (or maybe 45) I don't really have the details but I'll post th...  [Read More]
Posted in: The Amazing Adrenalini Brothers!
 St. Jimmy
07-30-2006, 6:50 AM
I just remembered one of the best shows -nay! THINGS- on the planet! it's called The Amazing Adrenalini Brothers! WOO! they rock so hard! If you have seen the show then you undoubtedly love and wish to express your praise for it right now! If you hav...  [Read More]
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