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Posted in: Favorite Heroes!
11-11-2005, 7:13 PM
mines jango and boba fett...  [Read More]
Posted in: Incinerator, to powerfull?
11-11-2005, 7:04 AM
i don't know how to get a bothan invisable can somebody tell me?...  [Read More]
Posted in: Galactic Conquest
11-08-2005, 4:02 AM
i jusr read the manel gala looks very good i'll play as cis get a fleet and sneak attck them....  [Read More]
Posted in: makeing skins and maps
11-05-2005, 11:05 AM
can somebody tell me howto make skins and maps?...  [Read More]
Posted in: general grievous (spelling???)
11-05-2005, 1:34 PM
i can't wait to get it on monday....  [Read More]
Posted in: Cheats for the little Cheaters! (console only?)
11-06-2005, 4:16 AM
and the reason why i've not done it is because i don't have it but like i did with most games i'll do it on first day if i'm not to busy with recruirting on MP....  [Read More]
Posted in: Cheats for the little Cheaters! (console only?)
11-05-2005, 5:03 PM
Only cheat if you beat the game without them first. or cheat then play the game without them works both ways....  [Read More]
Posted in: Cheats for the little Cheaters! (console only?)
11-05-2005, 4:47 PM
You don't even have the game yet HK47, wait til you play it, it's not as easy as Battlefront underesdermate the power of erm...,me i am one of the best person in a online fps game i also make a great pilot and can't wait o try the new jedi mode...  [Read More]
Posted in: Cheats for the little Cheaters! (console only?)
11-05-2005, 1:36 PM
is there any cheats to get infine reinfrosments because i get boored when its so short....  [Read More]
Posted in: Cheats for the little Cheaters! (console only?)
11-05-2005, 1:30 PM
i think cheats are ok not online though like on jedi knight 3 you can put god mode on get all force powers get lots of jedi allies and lots of dark jedi enemys to play epic jedi battles so i think there ok if you like to fight eopic battles....  [Read More]
Posted in: [HK] clan recruiting
11-10-2005, 3:56 PM
we're now playing bf2 and looking for other clans to become allies with another clan we're really looking for very good people that can aim really good and have good jedi skills and piloting skills. :duel: :blast9: :x-wing:...  [Read More]
Posted in: [HK] clan recruiting
11-05-2005, 12:24 PM
[HK] is really looking for very good pilots aswell to board enemy ships. and excellent jedis....  [Read More]
Posted in: [HK] clan recruiting
11-04-2005, 4:29 PM
HI my name is hk47 and i'm looking for new clan members [HK] will be playing bf 2 in a few days if you wish to join click here ( to join or contact me at platforums:PC looking for: pilots good ones,soldi...  [Read More]
Posted in: Hoth Impossible
11-10-2005, 4:01 PM
i did it about 3 today i did hoth first time to easy and i got vader he planted the and died the 1/2 nano second later can any1 else do that?...  [Read More]
Posted in: Hoth Impossible
11-08-2005, 4:00 AM
aimming is just to easy for me and i got bf2 been installed on my pc right now so if we meet on battlefront 2 exepect a challenge....  [Read More]
Posted in: Hoth Impossible
11-05-2005, 11:54 AM
me to my game should be here on sunday and i've been playing a fps game for 6 years and i was on it alot so it might be easy for me the first was anyway....  [Read More]
Posted in: Hoth Impossible
11-05-2005, 11:34 AM
i'm looking foward to bf2 bf1 was easy so i wnt to know how much harder you wood compair it to bf1 cause i should be getting it on sunday i hope tosee you on it. :twogun:...  [Read More]
Posted in: The
11-10-2005, 5:25 PM
LOL that kind of like what my clan is doing since its call THE HIRED KILLERS....  [Read More]
Posted in: Post your CLAN details here!
11-05-2005, 8:52 AM
#16 [HK](hired killers) looking for some good members to join factions cis rebel website how to join:goto forums and ask to join we will be playing bf2 in a few days...  [Read More]
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