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Posted in: Super Squall's Skip Peragus Mod
11-11-2005, 6:02 PM
Hey, Im wondering if someone can fix this mod. You see, it's almost perfect, except it doesn't clear the "Rescue *yourname*" quest where you use T3. So, basically, you're stuck with it. Forever. Can someone fix this?...  [Read More]
Posted in: Exile Robe
11-03-2005, 1:41 PM
No, i dont mean for it to look like the robes, the cape to look like yours except one that matches the outfit in Exile Robe 1.1, and for more holes and rips....  [Read More]
Posted in: Exile Robe
11-03-2005, 11:10 AM
Okay, I can someone make a robe that is similar to the Exile Robe 1.1 but is more battle damaged, and the robe DOESNT LOOK LIKE VELET, make it look like the robes in Robe Pack 1, or the Heart of the Force Robes. Thanks!...  [Read More]
11-03-2005, 2:38 PM
can u ask him?...  [Read More]
11-03-2005, 7:44 AM
Okay, now it works. BUT! Your blade is purple with a white core. I'm saying a pure black blade with a semi clear 'smoke' aura around it. Sorta like DBZ....  [Read More]
11-03-2005, 12:12 AM
Although i dont want to get off topic, every time i try to add a color crystal to the heart of the force, there is an empty color space, and when i click it my program dies....  [Read More]
11-02-2005, 11:30 PM
Well, not really. The darksaber mod has a blue outline. This one should have a black fire surounding it....  [Read More]
11-02-2005, 11:19 PM
I have been thinking about lightsabers and realized that red just doesn't fit a sith lord. So, I came up with an idea: a black saber. All that needs to be made is a black crystal and somewhere in the game you find it. (I hate using the cheats) The ha...  [Read More]
Hey Svцsh, i need to contact u about some of ur work. Plz send me an email what Mono said below: use the PM system instead of posting your e-mail on the boards ;) - d333 Thx!...  [Read More]
Posted in:  Combat Simulation Arena v4
11-03-2005, 9:21 PM
Hi! I just tried out Combat Arena 2.0 and when i attempt to use the .exe file, it says that some file isn't in binary, and so it won't install....  [Read More]
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