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The content here was reconstructed by scraping the Wayback Machine in an effort to restore some of what was lost when LF went down. The LucasForums Archive Project claims no ownership over the content or assets that were archived on

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Jacen Morn

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Posted in: Swoop racing mods for kotor 1?
 Jacen Morn
06-12-2006, 6:11 PM
I realy like using the mouse instead of the directional keys to move, like you can in Kotor 2. Would it be possible to modify kotor 1's Swoop racing to do that?...  [Read More]
Posted in: Question about the Make Mission A Jedi Mod
 Jacen Morn
06-08-2006, 11:23 AM
thanks, was hoping i wouldn't have to start over heh, but oh well....  [Read More]
Posted in: Question about the Make Mission A Jedi Mod
 Jacen Morn
06-08-2006, 3:42 AM
i installed the mod but i can't get the NPC to appear? i added the mod after i had already done most of the quests on Dantooine do i need to start a new game to make it work os is there maybe a console command i could use?...  [Read More]
Posted in:  Prequel Style Robes
 Jacen Morn
06-18-2006, 10:56 PM
Hi Shem, I really enjoy your mod -- was sad that Bao-Dur was limited to the miner's uniform and his new clothes are great -- but I'm having a problem with it. The first time I used it I was in the middle of the game and used the console to add the ou...  [Read More]
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