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Posted in: Over 1 thousand kills
01-27-2006, 7:22 AM
I would have thought Darth Maul would have been better....  [Read More]
Posted in: Random "spoiler" question
01-24-2006, 6:03 AM
Are you sure? The Matt Lucas from SWBF2 and Episode II the game, sounds like he's passed puberty by a long shot at least!...  [Read More]
Posted in: Random "spoiler" question
01-21-2006, 7:05 AM
After playing Rome Total war, I conclude that George got some inspiration from Spartan Hoplites in Helmet design. Oh yeah, HOPLITES RULE. *ahem* I wouldn't say Star Wars is completely original, but the way it does things is, "standing on the sh...  [Read More]
Posted in: SWBF I Patch & Mod Tools Announced!!
01-21-2006, 6:57 AM
No, that's what the mod tools are for. "Do it yourself!" :P...  [Read More]
Posted in: Do you play in 3rd person or 1st person?
01-27-2006, 7:12 AM
I've just added Timesplitters 1-3 as games that have a better First Person View than Battlefront. Saddening, isn't it?...  [Read More]
Posted in: Do you play in 3rd person or 1st person?
01-17-2006, 6:31 AM
3rd person. I can actually tell if I'm reloading, jumping or rolling, by the animations, rather than having the gun spontaneously dissapear. (Before you argue, you can tell by what you pressed, at least there's some pretty slick animations to pass th...  [Read More]
Posted in: Who's your favourite Clone Commander ?
01-20-2006, 3:29 PM
Heck, never trust armies FULL STOP. Especially ones you didn't enlist into. (As a Brit, it's historical how badly UK and US forces work together. UK gets more friendly fire casualities from the yanks then from the enemy most times....but oh well..)...  [Read More]
Posted in: Worst Ground Map
01-08-2006, 9:15 AM
Polis Massa, as the Empire, or Republic, it is so difficult to gain any posts. It's a shotgun frenzy level, and doors open too close to you so you open a door with a BLAM infront of your face....  [Read More]
Posted in: Cool New Force Power: "Force Collapse"
01-08-2006, 9:10 AM
Gay cheats and battlefront? A match made in heaven. I WANT CUTE BABY PICTURES!...  [Read More]
Actually I'd prefer a DECENT FPV full stop. I mean, the AT-AT could have some functional graphics, rather than some swirly spinny radar thing, and the CIS vehicles have a rubbish view, you can't see a target in front of you if you're in a Tank! Repub...  [Read More]
Posted in: Star Wars Battlefront 3 (wishlists)
01-27-2006, 7:11 AM
well, they are too big for BF series. Unless you want to turn the game into mostly a vehicle feast there would hardly be any target for them to shoot at. A vehicle fest? I don't remember "that" many tanks being on Geonosis. Mainly infantry...  [Read More]
Posted in: Star Wars Battlefront 3 (wishlists)
01-27-2006, 7:08 AM
I've been saying the "make the sides difference" idea for years! :P Well, your plan makes the frigates useful. I love the escape pod idea, but some people might just prefer to die and respawn somewhere useful......  [Read More]
Posted in: Star Wars Battlefront 3 (wishlists)
01-26-2006, 11:43 AM
Not that much bigger than an AT-AT....  [Read More]
Posted in: Star Wars Battlefront 3 (wishlists)
01-26-2006, 8:02 AM
It's a bit weird with all the "glowing flashing things" though! Personally, I don't like the ideas of officers in the conventional sense. They should be helping troops fight, not just vehicle camping. OK so on a ground battle, it'd encour...  [Read More]
Posted in: Star Wars Battlefront 3 (wishlists)
01-23-2006, 11:25 AM
Okay, I will comment, Lord Zack. Naval combat sucks. Ever seen any destroyers or naval frigates doing "cool" maneuvers recently? While a Battlefield 2-style amphibious vehicle (like the speedboat) is probably cool, I think that in most case...  [Read More]
Posted in: Star Wars Battlefront 3 (wishlists)
01-22-2006, 8:09 AM
You couldn't do squads though, you'd all get wiped by one grenade. I mean, the idea would be cool, but not with "Battlefront 2-Turbo!" Also, I prefer the idea of it being the grunts that win the war. I mean, there's too many heros, It's tu...  [Read More]
Posted in: Star Wars Battlefront 3 (wishlists)
01-21-2006, 7:02 AM
What about the Gungan city, it's non EU, and it'd be pretty weird as an underwater level. I remember an "odd decade" ago, mentioning that it'd be funny if you could unlock other factions as you go along, such as the Naboo/Gungans, the &quo...  [Read More]
Posted in: Star Wars Battlefront 3 (wishlists)
01-20-2006, 2:13 PM
I rather like the way the V wing drops bombs, I'd rather have it fast, but low(er) health that can dogfight well, but no missiles, it can own with guns in ship-ship, or do a fast bombing run. But someone who knows how to dodge will own one at a dista...  [Read More]
Posted in: Star Wars Battlefront 3 (wishlists)
01-19-2006, 1:05 PM
Well, gonna say Paranoid Android does it again with "best ideas on a thread" again. Only gripe. NO WAY do I want a Star Destroyer to have an interior as small as Tantive 4! Lets get those lifts and stairs working and have a mini-tour of the...  [Read More]
Posted in: Star Wars Battlefront 3 (wishlists)
01-17-2006, 6:17 AM
Well, if the game is moving slow, most people would be camping like crazy, I mean yeah it may be more realistic, but do you really want a game filled with mostly sniper whores and rocket whores? Wait, can anyone get kills with the sniper rifle? :P An...  [Read More]
Posted in: Star Wars Battlefront 3 (wishlists)
01-13-2006, 2:45 PM
Man, I'm stuck here with ecstasy addicts. :P Tell me, why are we even moaning about the uselessness of most units or weapons if whizzing around chucking grenades like a deranged monkey on dope is the norm? Bring on Battlefront 3! (Aka 1.002)...  [Read More]
Posted in: Star Wars Battlefront 3 (wishlists)
01-11-2006, 12:55 PM
Sounds like too much work on Pandemic's part. :P Me, I want satisfaction in killing targets. At the mo you live and die so quickly, that everything feels like a rush at times, I'd slow down movement speeds and add weapon bob and accuracy effects, so...  [Read More]
Posted in: New Expansion!! Only for X-Box
01-27-2006, 7:06 AM
Oh wow! Now that is l33t. Screw Darth Maul. Nunchucks are brilliant. I notice Fisto is using a "fuzzy sabre". Sort of like the one when he's underwater in the cartoon....  [Read More]
Posted in: most DISLIKED unit
01-13-2006, 2:43 PM
Erm, no he wouldn't, he get owned by everybody and their mother. A slow melee class? This isn't Soul Calibur y'know. (Astaroth Rules!) In Republic Commando, Magnaguards were amazingly agile, they jumped fairly high, but could do rapid rolls and sam...  [Read More]
Posted in: most DISLIKED unit
01-08-2006, 8:45 AM
CloneArcman, always thought rocket guys were supposed to own vehicles, but with most vehicle levels tighter than Victorian London streets then grenades are more dangerous than...anything, besides instakill rockets of course. ;) Destroyers really suc...  [Read More]
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