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Posted in: Battlefront 2 PC Ladder
02-03-2006, 4:25 AM
PC - Clan Conquest A 8 vs 8 conquest ladder has been set up on www, to offer clans a chance to fight it out together. This PC competition is being organized by Jaycensolo. Clans have started to sign up for this competition and I know J...  [Read More]
Posted in: Battlefront 2 PC Ladder Meeting
11-23-2005, 9:50 PM
Can all clans who want to set up a clan ladder made by the clans. Then please come to a meeting on Sunday 27th of November at 8PM GMT on Imperial Clones ventrilo. Here is the log in info and how to set up ventrilo.  [Read More]
Posted in: Would people like a chat with the game makers?
11-16-2005, 11:49 AM
I have been in contact with LA over the last few weeks to get them to support the community and to hear what we have to say about the game. I am trying to arrange a meeting which will be held on ventrilo where we can talk the makers, tech support and...  [Read More]
Posted in: Battlefront 2 Ladder
11-11-2005, 7:12 PM
Can people please read this post about starting a ladder that is for Battlefront 2 and no other game. So we want people with in the PC comunity to start giving ideas about how the ladder can be done.  [Read More]
Posted in: Servers to rent!!!
03-06-2005, 7:26 PM
Imperial Clones will soon be having a 32 man game server as well as a 64 man ventrilo server which are both set in London to rent. They both come with 200mb of webspace so it is perfect for new clans. please e-mail if you are i...  [Read More]
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