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Fey Victus

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Posted in: Star Wars : The Fall of the Remnants
 Fey Victus
10-22-2004, 9:55 AM
The alien in question has turned a fighting retreat by the Stormtroopers into a route, with even the bravest of them fleeing before him as entire ranks of their comrades go flying past them, bouncing down the hallways as if ragdolls in a hurricane, t...  [Read More]
Posted in: Star Wars : The Fall of the Remnants
 Fey Victus
10-20-2004, 3:58 PM
(OOC: The force-storm was indeed a whirlwind-type attack, I was just specifying about his telepathy. Anyway, yeah, let's keep it up. Where is Janus? lol) Valsavis, despite keeping his inner eye open, is still unaware of the deadly cloaked figure wre...  [Read More]
Posted in: Star Wars : The Fall of the Remnants
 Fey Victus
10-20-2004, 12:35 AM
More telepathic messages are relayed from the blue-glowing Alien, his spiky hair whipping about as if from some strong wind as he strolls unharmed through his force-storm, this one directly to Targus, "~There are more of them, massing outside th...  [Read More]
Posted in: Star Wars : The Fall of the Remnants
 Fey Victus
10-19-2004, 3:46 PM
Valsavis leaves the Focal Chamber of the Chrono-ship, from where he can access it's temporal drive to scan both ahead and behind in time with his inner eye, the Force sense, allowing him to serve as a 'pilot' of sorts. The ship actually directs itsel...  [Read More]
Posted in: Star Wars : The Fall of the Remnants
 Fey Victus
10-19-2004, 3:38 PM
Name: Valsavis Age: 260 Gender : Male Job : Liason to the Republic Homeworld : Quottin Race: Valsavis is an alien force-user, descended from a race of near-humans called Quottil who appear human in all ways except that glowing 'ley lines' of energy...  [Read More]
Posted in: Trouble on the Outer Rim...
 Fey Victus
10-19-2004, 2:54 AM
Name: Valsavis Age: 260 Alignment: Lightside, Republic Race: Valsavis is an alien-force user, descended from a race of near-humans called Quottil who appear human in all ways except that glowing 'ley lines' of energy criss-cross their bodies, just...  [Read More]
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