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is there a way that when u kill someone more than one limb can come of like in sp,in mp only one limb comes off at a time,but in sp if u cut them right two arms and a arm and a leg can come off.... [Read More]
does anyone think that the boddies should last on the ground longer like battlefield because the ones on battlefront only last for about 8 secs on the ground it should at least be like 1min in a half.does any one think that?can someone make a mod lik... [Read More]
whenever i try and play mp the blue jedi academey screen comes up and just freezes and i cant do anything.the blue start up screen just freezes can someon plz hlp me?... [Read More]
it would be cool if someone can make a skin with thw rebel soldier with the cape on his back like on the old movies. the little green capes.that would be cool.... [Read More]
i still cant figure out how to put new maps inside of my folder can someone help me. i think i do it rong all the time.i put it in and i dont c it when im looking for that map on the game.can some one please tell me step by step? please?... [Read More]
when i try and make a skin by making the picture come up on mod view when opening a pk3file,it says ! R_LOADMDXM:MISSING ANIMATION FILE MODELS/PLAYERS/_HUMANOID/_HUMANOID FOR MESH MODEL.GLM AND THEN I DONT KNO WAT TO DO. HLP ME PLZ....... [Read More]
i think somone should make a mod a small mod/mini mod for sabers to hang on ur utility belt.plz answer back noone ever answers back on my post.... [Read More]
um any one on the forum who can skin plz i need u. i would like a black anakin skin with a glove.hes base on my starwars character gon swinn. black hair brown skin like mace windu and a glove or a mechanical hand.the same anakin outfit but with just... [Read More]