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Houjj Qel-Droma

Latest Activity

Posted in: Trouble on the Outer Rim...
 Houjj Qel-Droma
09-03-2004, 2:57 PM
Houjj was in the auditorium with Luke, when Houjj opened his eyes and turned to Luke who was already looking at him. Houj said "I sence.." and Luke interupted him by saying "I sence it too." Houjj rushed to the cafe' to find Zant....  [Read More]
Posted in: Trouble on the Outer Rim...
 Houjj Qel-Droma
09-01-2004, 2:30 PM
"If you say so, Zant. Your future is clouded, make sure your choices are wise ones." Landing at the Jedi Academy, Houjj consulted with Luke. As Luke and Houjj were discussing the matter, a Jedi ran into the auditorum and told them that the...  [Read More]
Posted in: Trouble on the Outer Rim...
 Houjj Qel-Droma
08-30-2004, 2:12 PM
Just as the GHOST I soared through hyperspace Houjj senced something different in Zant. "Is something bothering you, young padawan? I sence some unrest in you."...  [Read More]
Posted in: Trouble on the Outer Rim...
 Houjj Qel-Droma
08-29-2004, 2:56 PM
"Heh, you have much to learn young padawan. Sith Lords aren't the easiest to redeem." Houjj said as the two arrived at the GHOST I. Houjj got off the bike, opened the exit ramp and walked aboard his ship. "Zant, we're going back to the...  [Read More]
Posted in: Trouble on the Outer Rim...
 Houjj Qel-Droma
08-28-2004, 10:55 PM
"We need to head to our ship. We have enough information. More information might cost us our lives. Hop on the bike, lets get going!"...  [Read More]
Posted in: Trouble on the Outer Rim...
 Houjj Qel-Droma
08-28-2004, 8:05 PM
Houjj wasn't surpised at what the Sith had told them. He knew that the Sith would sooner or later destroy themselves. "Zant, hurry we must get out of here! Quickly follow me to my ship!"...  [Read More]
Posted in: Trouble on the Outer Rim...
 Houjj Qel-Droma
08-28-2004, 5:24 PM
Houjj senced what had happend, busted throught the doors and ignited his saber. Glad to see Zant used knowledge instead of using brute Force to turn the tide, the two waited to see what the Sith would now do....  [Read More]
Posted in: Trouble on the Outer Rim...
 Houjj Qel-Droma
08-27-2004, 10:36 PM
Houjj went into the castle and crawled into the underground ventilation shaft. After crawling through the dark tunnel for a bit he started to hear faint voices. Houjj crawled toward the voices the best he could and came to a vent register. Houjj open...  [Read More]
Posted in: Trouble on the Outer Rim...
 Houjj Qel-Droma
08-26-2004, 10:33 PM
After reaching Korriban, the GHOST I's hyperspeed boosters slowed and Houjj began his desend onto the barren, mountianous planet. Houjj landed several clicks away from where Zant's signal was coming from. Houjj hopped on his speeder bike and headed...  [Read More]
Posted in: Trouble on the Outer Rim...
 Houjj Qel-Droma
08-26-2004, 8:46 PM
As the GHOST I was flying though hyperspace he senced that Zant was still alive, he just hoped that the Sith haven't lured him to the Dark Side....  [Read More]
Posted in: Trouble on the Outer Rim...
 Houjj Qel-Droma
08-26-2004, 8:36 PM
As Houjj was sitting in the ship he felt a large disturbance in the Force. Houjj jumped to get back on his feet lowered the ramp and hopped on the speeder bike. He rode the bike until he saw the speeder Zant was using crashed in a show pile and a Sit...  [Read More]
Posted in: Trouble on the Outer Rim...
 Houjj Qel-Droma
08-26-2004, 5:26 PM
"Sounds good." Houjj said as he started up the bike. Houjj hit the accelerator and headed back to Zant's crusier. After a few minutes he arrived at the ship. Houjj lowered the ramp and proceeded to store his speeder bike on the ship. Houjj...  [Read More]
Posted in: Trouble on the Outer Rim...
 Houjj Qel-Droma
08-25-2004, 11:27 PM
Houjj saw one of the Sith dash away into the control room of the base. Houjj used Force Speed to follow him closly. Once in the control room the Sith turned to Houjj and said "You Jedi have no idea what your getting in to." He ignited his s...  [Read More]
Posted in: Trouble on the Outer Rim...
 Houjj Qel-Droma
08-25-2004, 8:37 PM
OOC: Around the time of Kyle, and Luke's Jedi Academy. "We'll take my speeder bike it'll get us there quicker." After a few minutes the two arrived at the hangar doors of the abandoned Rebel base. "Luke gave me this passcode that...  [Read More]
Posted in: Trouble on the Outer Rim...
 Houjj Qel-Droma
08-25-2004, 8:06 PM
"Good, I'll be happy to train you, Apprentice and I'm sure Luke will approve. You have a bacta container in your ship I believe. We'll heal that wound and continue this investigation inside Echo Base."...  [Read More]
Posted in: Trouble on the Outer Rim...
 Houjj Qel-Droma
08-25-2004, 7:37 PM
"Heh.. You had me going there for a second Yaeb. But still senced some good in you. Yaeb, take my ship back to the academy and bring Malachi to Luke. Zant, you acted quite courageously back there. Since you don't yet have a Master, how would you...  [Read More]
Posted in: Trouble on the Outer Rim...
 Houjj Qel-Droma
08-25-2004, 7:22 PM
As the Sith started to attack Houjj quickly tapped the GHOST I's ramp button. She started up and started to hover behind the two Jedi's. Houjj fended off the Sith the best he could and yelled to Zant "Make your way back to my ship I'll fend them...  [Read More]
Posted in: Trouble on the Outer Rim...
 Houjj Qel-Droma
08-25-2004, 5:34 PM
"Very well. You just made a very big mistake, Yaeb." Houjj said as he stood in a defensive stance once again with his saber ignited waiting for the Dark Jedi to attack....  [Read More]
Posted in: Trouble on the Outer Rim...
 Houjj Qel-Droma
08-25-2004, 12:33 PM
"Yaeb, don't be so ignorant. This is your last chance to change your mind. Think of what your doing."...  [Read More]
Posted in: Trouble on the Outer Rim...
 Houjj Qel-Droma
08-25-2004, 12:07 PM
Not suprised with Malachi's responce, he pulled out his saber and ignited it and twirled it and stood at the ready with the saber pointing at Malachi. Houjj thought to himself "Hmm he is stronger than the other disiples we've faced. He must eith...  [Read More]
Posted in: Trouble on the Outer Rim...
 Houjj Qel-Droma
08-25-2004, 10:33 AM
Houjj chuckled as Malachi finished "I can assure you, once you have seen the light the Dark Side is nothing except a pitty refuge for cowards. It's never too late to join us. Use the Force for the good of the galaxy not to destroy it. Think abou...  [Read More]
Posted in: Trouble on the Outer Rim...
 Houjj Qel-Droma
08-24-2004, 10:49 PM
Houjj fended off the second Sith and finally finished him off. Then as he looked up as he saw Zant's starship preparing to land. "Finally some more assistance." Houjj muttered. "Now we need to find out why the Sith are here." Houj...  [Read More]
Posted in: Trouble on the Outer Rim...
 Houjj Qel-Droma
08-24-2004, 9:23 PM
Houjj stepped out of the GHOST I and started walking toward the site of the young Jedi's body. But just after taking a few steps he stopped turned toward Yaeb and presented this puzzled look upon his face. When at that very moment two dark Jedi Appre...  [Read More]
Posted in: Trouble on the Outer Rim...
 Houjj Qel-Droma
08-24-2004, 6:19 PM
Houjj replies to Yaeb " I believe so but seems like Luke has them spread out on the Outer Rim on other missions. Come, I'll show you the site where I found the body."...  [Read More]
Posted in: Trouble on the Outer Rim...
 Houjj Qel-Droma
08-24-2004, 12:25 PM
Houjj knew something was wrong, and went back to his ship to call for assistance. He said "Qel-Droma to any availibe Jedi... I have landed on Hoth and found the corpse of the student that went missing 3 days ago. Looks like the work of a Dark Je...  [Read More]